Poznámky redaktora
13. The addressing
can selected standard Modbus ABB.5 Modules
When you access the Settings menu, there set menus available relating the modules.2 PR120/D-M COM module
Modules 2/4 COM module 1/5
MEASURING module Local Remote 1
1 COM module Serial Address
Baudrate ▼SIGNALLING module ▼
Communication parameters Local
The local remote modes can selected after entering password.No.5.2 this
manual.13. The physical protocol provides for the options: (8,E,1), (8,0,1), (8,N,2), (8,N,1).
Model 3447 pparatus cale
d . 1SDH000635R0002
Page No.
13.5. 1000 can selected; see section 14.1.1 PR120/V-PR120/LV MEASURING module
The primary voltage values (100.5.5.
72/1 08
.5.3 PR120/K SIGNALLING module
For thorough examination the signalling module, refer the corresponding section the module, paragraph 14..5. The serial address can displayed after entering password.5. The Baud
Rate can set the values 9600 and 19200 bit/s.4 Settings for the Local Bus unit
If the PR021/K unit connected, you need enable the local bus selecting present.
13.5. For further information the PR120/D-M communication MODULE, see paragraph 14