ABB SACE Emax Vzduchové jističe

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Vzduchové jističe Emax získaly certifikaci a mají plné oprávnění k tomu, aby se přiřadily k funkční výrobkové kategorii Protect IT. Tyto jističe vytváří kombinaci s asi 700 distribučními rozváděči řad ArTu Ma ArTu K. Umožňují takto sestavení kompletních rozváděčů pomocí prvků majících certifikaci Industrial IT. Jističe Tmax, Isomax a Emax je možno začlenit do konfigurovatelných výrobků ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 319 z 346

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Second shunt opening release (see note Q). The circuit-breaker may closed only after pressing the reset pushbutton. Fig.22 Second set circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts (see note V). Fig. First set contacts for electrical signalling circuit-breaker racked-in, test isolated, racked-out position. Contact for electrical signalling circuit-breaker open due tripping the overcurrent release and elec­ trical reset coil. Fig.X7 Connectors for the accessories the circuit-breaker XF Delivery terminal box for the position contacts the withdrawable circuit-breaker (located the fixed part the circuit-breaker) XK1 Connector for power circuits PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases XK2 XK3 Connectors for auxiliary circuits PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases XK4 Connector signalling open/closet contact XK5 Connector for PR120/V module XO Connector for YO1 release XV Delivery terminal box for the auxiliary circuits the fixed circuit-breaker YC Shunt closing release YO Shunt opening release YO1 Overcurrent shunt opening release YO2 Second shunt opening release (see note Q) YR Coil electrically reset the circuit-breaker YU Undervoltage release (see notes and Q) Description figures Fig.23 Third set supplementary auxiliary contacts outside the circuit-breaker. Circuit shunt closing release.42 Auxiliary circuits PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases (see notes and V). First set circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts. Circuits the indicator module PR120/K the PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases connection 2 (optional; see note V). Motor circuit charge the closing springs. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Instantaneous undervoltage release (see notes and Q). Shunt opening release. Circuits the indicator module PR120/K the PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases connection 1 (optional; see note V). Fig. Fig.62 Circuits the PR021/K signalling module (outside the circuit-breaker) Incompatibilities The circuits indicated the following figures cannot supplied simultaneously the same circuit-breaker: 6 8 13 14 22 47 34 ABB SACE . Contact for electrical signalling circuit-breaker open due totripping theovercurrent release. Fig.. The circuit-breaker may closed only after pressing the reset pushbutton energizing the coil. Contact for electrical signalling undervoltage release energized (seenotes and S). Fig. Fig. Fig. Second set contacts for electrical signalling circuit-breaker racked-in, test isolated, racked-out position. Fig. Fig. Fig.Circuit diagrams Reading information W1 Serial interface with control system (external bus): EIA RS485 interface (see note E) W2 Serial interface with the accessories PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases (internal bus) X Delivery connector for auxiliary circuits withdrawable version circuit-breaker X1. Undervoltage release with electronic time-delay device, outside the circuit-breaker (see notes and Q) Fig. Contact for electrical signalling springs charged. Fig.. Circuits the communication module PR120/D-M the PR122/DC and PR123/DC releases (optional, see note E). Fig