ABB SACE Emax Vzduchové jističe

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Vzduchové jističe Emax získaly certifikaci a mají plné oprávnění k tomu, aby se přiřadily k funkční výrobkové kategorii Protect IT. Tyto jističe vytváří kombinaci s asi 700 distribučními rozváděči řad ArTu Ma ArTu K. Umožňují takto sestavení kompletních rozváděčů pomocí prvků majících certifikaci Industrial IT. Jističe Tmax, Isomax a Emax je možno začlenit do konfigurovatelných výrobků ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 318 z 346

Poznámky redaktora
With this version, the applications indicated figures and cannot provided..... And PR123/DC release) K51/YC Closing control from PR122/DC PR123/DC electronic release with communication module PR120/D-M K51/YO Opening control from PR122/DC PR123/DC electronic release with communication module PR120/D-M M Motor for charging the closing springs Q Circuit-breaker Q/1. and PR123/DC release) K51/IN1 Digital programmable input (available only with Uaux and PR122/DC PR123/DC release with indicator module PR120/K) K51/P1. S75E/1.. and PR123/DC release) K51/GZout Zone selectivity: output for protection (only with Uaux.4 Contacts for electrical signalling circuit-breaker racked-out position (only with withdrawable circuit- breakers) S75I/1. Fixed version The control circuits are fitted between terminals (connector not supplied)......3 Limit contacts for spring-charging motor S43 Switch for setting remote/local control S51 Contact for electrical signalling circuit-breaker open due tripping the overcurrent release. The circuit-breaker may closed only after pressing the reset pushbutton, after energizing the coil for electrical reset (if available).. Withdrawable version The control circuits are fitted between the poles connector (terminal box not supplied)..P4 Programmable electrical signalling (available only with Uaux and PR122/DC PR123/DC release with indicator module PR120/K) K51/SZin Zone selectivity: input for protection (only with Uaux. Operating status shown The circuit diagram for the following conditions: - withdrawable circuit-breaker, open and racked-in - circuits de-energised - releases not tripped - motor operating mechanism with springs discharged. Versions Though the diagram shows circuit-breaker withdrawable version, can applied fixed version circuit-breaker as well.Circuit diagrams Reading information Warning Before installing the circuit-breaker, carefully read note the circuit diagrams..27 Circuit-breaker auxiliary contacts S33M/1.4 Contacts for electrical signalling circuit-breaker test isolated position (only with withdrawable circuit- breakers) SC Pushbuttonor contact for closing the circuit-breaker SO Pushbuttonor contact for opening the circuit-breaker 501 Pushbuttonor contact for opening the circuit-breaker with delayed trip 502 Pushbuttonor contact for opening the circuit-breaker with instantaneous trip SR Pushbuttonor contact for electrical circuit-breaker reset ABB SACE 33 . Version with PR122/DC electronic release Version with PR123/DC electronic release Caption □ Circuit diagram figure number * See note indicated letter A1 Circuit-breaker accessories A3 Accessories applied the fixed part the circuit-breaker (for withdrawable version only) A4 Example switchgear and connections for control and signalling, outside the circuit-breaker D Electronic time-delay device the undervoltage release, outside the circuit-breaker F1 Delayed-trip fuse K51 PR122/DC, PR123/DC electronic release with the following protection functions: - overload protection with inverse long time-delay trip setting I1 - short-circuit protection with inverse definite short time-delay trip setting I2 - short-circuit protection with instantaneous time-delay trip setting I3 - earth fault protection with inverse short time-delay trip setting I4 K51/1.8 Contacts the PR021/K signalling unit K51/GZin Zone selectivity: input for protection (only with Uaux.5 Contacts for electrical signalling circuit-breaker racked-in position (only with withdrawable circuit- breakers) S75T/1. And PR123/DC release) K51/SZout Zone selectivity: output for protection (only with Uaux