ABB SACE Emax Vzduchové jističe

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Vzduchové jističe Emax získaly certifikaci a mají plné oprávnění k tomu, aby se přiřadily k funkční výrobkové kategorii Protect IT. Tyto jističe vytváří kombinaci s asi 700 distribučními rozváděči řad ArTu Ma ArTu K. Umožňují takto sestavení kompletních rozváděčů pomocí prvků majících certifikaci Industrial IT. Jističe Tmax, Isomax a Emax je možno začlenit do konfigurovatelných výrobků ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 287 z 346

Poznámky redaktora
SACE Emax Switch-disconnectors for applications 1000V DC ABB SACE has developed the SACE Emax/E range switch-disconnectors for applications in direct current 1000V compliance with the international IEC 60947-3 Standard. The switch-disconnectors the SACE Emax/E range maintain the overall dimensions and fixing points the standard range circuit-breakers. They are available fixed and withdrawable, three-pole and four-pole versions. The withdrawable circuit-breakers should used together with the special version fixed parts for applications 750/1000V DC. These non­ automatic circuit-breakers are specially suitable for use bus ties main isolators direct current systems, such applications involving electric traction. * The performances 750 are: for E1B/E Icw=25kA for E2N/E Icw=40kA for E3H/E Icw=50kA ABB SACE. The range covers all installation needs 1000V /6300A.They cannot,of course, associated with the electronic releases, CSs and accessories for determining currents and for applications.5 105 143 143 Note: the breaking capacity Icu, means external protection relay, with 500 maximum timing, equal the value Icw (1s). E1B/E E2N/E E3H/E E4H/E MS* E6H/E MS* Rated current (at °C) [A] 800 1250 1250 5000 [A] 1250 6300 [A] 0 [A] 2500 [A] 0 Poles 4 Rated service voltage [V] 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 Rated insulation voltage [V] 100C 0 Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 2 Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 25* 40* 65 Rated making capacity Icm 750 [kA] 52.5 105 105 143 143 143 143 1000 [kA] 52. They can fitted with the various terminal kits and all the accessories com the SACE Emax range.5 52. By connecting three breaking poles series, possible achieve rated insulation voltage of 750V DC, while with four poles series the limit rises 1000V DC