ABB SACE Emax Vzduchové jističe

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Vzduchové jističe Emax získaly certifikaci a mají plné oprávnění k tomu, aby se přiřadily k funkční výrobkové kategorii Protect IT. Tyto jističe vytváří kombinaci s asi 700 distribučními rozváděči řad ArTu Ma ArTu K. Umožňují takto sestavení kompletních rozváděčů pomocí prvků majících certifikaci Industrial IT. Jističe Tmax, Isomax a Emax je možno začlenit do konfigurovatelných výrobků ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 286 z 346

Poznámky redaktora
5s) 500 [kA] 0 750 [kA] 85 1000 [kA] 65 Rated making capacity under short-circuit Icm Icu] [kA] % Utilization category (according CEI 60947-2) B Isolation behaviour (according CEI 60947-2) ■ Overcurrent protection Electronic trip units for applications ■ Operating times Closing time (max) [ms] 80 Breaking time for I<Icw (max) (1) [ms] 70 Breaking time for I>Icw (max) [ms] 30 Overall dimensions Fixed: 418 302 (3/4 poles) [mm] 296/386 296/386 404/530 404/530 566/656 566/656 782/908 Withdrawable: 461 396..5 (3/4 poles) [mm] 324/414 324/414 432/558 432/558 594/684 594/684 810/936 Weights Fixed 3/4 poles [kg] 50/61 50/61 66/80 66/80 97/117 97/117 140/160 Withdrawable 3/4 poles (including fixed part) [kg] 50/61 50/61 66/80 66/80 147/165 147/165 210/240 (1) Without intentional delays. Thanks the exclusive technology the new electronic SACE PR123/DC PR122/DC the SACE Emax DC range allows cover all installation and automatic protection needs 1000V 5000A DC.+70 Num ber poles 4 Versions Fixed ithdrawable E3 E6 Performance levels H Rated uninterrupted current (at °C) [A] 800 800 [A] 0 [A] 1250 1250 [A] 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 [A] 0 [A] 2500 2500 2500 [A] 3200 [A] 4000 [A] 5000 Rated ultimate breaking capacity under short-circuit Icu 500 [kA] 0 750 [kA] 85 1000 [kA] 65 Rated service breaking capacity under short-circuit Ics Icu] [kA] % Rated short-tim withstand current Icw (0. The automatic circuit-breakers SACE Emax range maintain the overall dimensions and fixing points the standard range circuit-breakers; they can fitted with the various terminal kit san all accessories com the SACE Emax range..+70 Storage tem perature [°C] -40..SACE Emax automatic circuit-breakers The SACE Emax range low voltage automatic circuit-breakers being enriched the new serie SACE Emax automatic circuit-breakers for direct current applications compliance with the international standard IEC60947-2.. 2 ABB SACE . By connecting three breaking poles series possible achieve rated insulation voltage of 750V DC, while with four poles series the limit rises 1000V DC. C data Voltages Rated service voltage [V-] 1000 Rated insulation voltage [V] 1000 Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12 O perating tem perature [°C] -25.. The withdrawable circuit-breakers should used together with the special version fixed parts for applications 750/1000 DC.