ABB Polohové spínače

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 117 z 238

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Poznámky redaktora
N......032 (1) Free position adjustment lever by9° over 360' >> Synoptic Separate Elements. Ordering Details Contact blocks I zb) d B11 D11 C11 L02 L20 0 0)£Z >CO 1L...5 for ISO cable >>Implementation.C.C. m/s Type Order code Unit weight kg Packing 1 piece Contact blocks (with adaptor) 1 N.....C..... LS65M Limit Switches Metal Casing IP66 Width Separate Elements LS60M with cable inlets for 25 4 ________ 1SBC141127C0201 A tro.O.. 2-pole simultaneous slow action - LSC40XL20 1SBV 9600 R1320 0....O........C..........5 cable gland..032 2 N... LS63M with cable inlets M20 1.........O..... N.032 2 N. Q-0L OŒ f ° B02 © C-Oo o TOŒ3 CO < max...032 1 N.032 1 N....... 2-pole snap action e LSC40XB02 1SBV 9600 R1202 0.."contactwithpositiveopening operation element (subassembly, head, lever) suitable for positive opening operation..O. LS65M with cable inlets for 1/2" NPT... LSC40XB11 LS60M ..032 2 N. 2-pole simultaneous slow action e LSC40XL02 1SBV 9600 R1302 0. 2-pole overlapping slow action e LSC40XC11 1SBV 9600 R1511 0.C. 2-pole non-overlapping slow action e LSC40XD11 1SBV 9600 R1411 0. N. 2-pole snap action e LSC40XB11 1SBV 9600 R1211 0...C. Warning! The positive opening operation limit switch only guaranteed the elements noted with @are fitted."N......