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...014 (1) Free position adjustment lever over 360°............034 Adjustable rubber roller lever (3) X LSA40X54 1SBV 8854 R1000 0....066 Stainless steel flexible rod LSTE92 with insulated end 1SBV 9392 R1000 0. LS65M Limit Switches Metal Casing IP66 Width Separate Elements © "N....5 acc...150 Levier réglable tige polyamide LSTE72 0 mm, 195 length (1) 1SBV 9372 R1000 0..010 Adjustable fibre-glass rod lever, 395 length (3) X LSA40X73 1SBV 8873 R1000 0..075 Angular motion head without actuator, for non-adjustable roller levers (delivered with nylstop nut) © LSTE40 3SBV 9340 000 0.....023 Adjustable stainless steel roller lever (3) X LSA40X52 1SBV 8852 R1000 0.....068 Stainless steel coil spring rod LSTE93 1SBV 9393 R1000 0. Warning! The positive opening operation limit switch only guaranteed the elements noted with are fitted... to lever LSTE50 1SBV 9350 R1000 0.3 02 Actuator for angular motion head LSTE40 0 polyamide roller lever (3) LSA40X41 1SBV 8841 R1000 0.page 25 39 1SBC141127C0201 .. LS63M with cable inlets M20 3.LS60M .."contactwithpositiveopening operation element (subassembly, head, lever) suitable for positive opening operation.C. Ordering Details Contact blocks >co Type B11 D11 C11 L02 L20 B02 m/s Order code Unit weight kg Packing 1 piece To actuated fully directional translation movement Stainless steel flexible lever LSTE61 with insulated end (1) 1SBV 9361 R1000 0.5 cable gland.039 Stainless steel flexible lever with insulated end (3) X LSA40X61 1SBV 8861 R1000 0.5 for ISO cable gland... >> Synoptic Separate Elements....page >>Implementation.014 Adjustable polyamide rod lever 395 length (3) X LSA40X72 1SBV 8872 R1000 0.........050 Angular motion head without actuator, for fexible adjustable levers (delivered with nylstop nut and adaptation parts) X to 1..145 Adjustable fibre-glass LSTE73 rod lever (1) 1SBV 9373 R1000 0.149 Multidirectionnal angular motion head (to actuated byfully directional translation movement) Stainless steel spring rod LSTE93 1SBV 9391 R1000 0.......145 Stainless steel coil spring lever (1) LSTE62 1SBV 9362 R1000 0....032 Adjustable steel ball-bearing roller lever (3) X LSA40X53 1SBV 8853 R1000 0...152 Adjustable stainless LSTE71 steel rod lever, 195 length (1) 1SBV 9371 R1000 0.017 Stainless steel coil spring lever (3) LSA40X62 1SBV 8862 R1000 0. ® IS 1 1 LSA40X53 LSA40X62 A tro l LS60M with cable inlets for 33..121 Actuators for angular motion head LSTE50 Adjustable polyamide roller lever (3) X LSA40X51 1SBV 8851 R1000 0...........023 Adjustable stainless steel rod lever, 395 length (3) X LSA40X71 1SBV 8871 R1000 0...042 0 steel ball-bearing roller lever (3) © LSA40X43 1SBV 8843 R1000 0.044 0 rubber roller lever (3) LSA40X44 1SBV 8844 R1000 0. LS65M with cable inlets for 3/2" NPT.032 0 stainless steel roller lever LSA40X42 1SBV 8842 R1000 0