ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 505 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
.02 DIN-rail, optional For OTC46L_ enclosures Precut DIN-rail, length 100 mm: Side movement stoppers for and pole switches OT16. Neutral and earth terminals included...2 R s Suitable for door DIN-rail mounting, protection class IP65..5 ¡OTC36M25 1SCA022757R6520__________ 0.45F_: and pole Four holes mm2 175x145x110 OTC46LRM40 1SCA112838R1001 0. Shaft length unit [mm] Suitablefor enclosure/with switch Type Order number Delivery [pcs] Weight batch [kg] 48 OTC36M25/OT16F_ OX6X48 1SCA113442R1001 0. Handle Size of mounting11 earth/neutral terminal Size of enclosure Type Order number Delivery Weight batch unit [pcs] [kg] Suitable for switch types: OM_/ON_P: contacts, OL40_P: contacts, OTC36L_/OT16.45F_: and pole, OTC46L_/ OT16.3 Knock outs 2x3/4 One hole mm2 165x100x80 OTC36L3/4 1SCA022761R4980 0..40 OTC46L_ OTUXW1 1SCA115687R1001 0.3 11One hole (snap mounting handle), Four holes (screw mounted handle) A»» 61 1SCC302003C0201 .... Neutral and earth terminals, 6mm2, included.2 Suitable for switch types: OM_/ON_P: contacts, OL40_P: contacts, OT16F_: poles One hole IP65_______96x96x84.25F OTC46LM40/OT63F_ 0X6X40 1SCA112994R1001 0. The DIN-rail including the enclosures OTC36L_. Enclosure colour: light grey.3 Shafts Shafts for and 4-pole OT-switches with the handle type OZ331SP_, see page 35.80 and pole OT16.02 40 OTC36LM25/OT16. Handle Protection Size Type Order number Delivery Weight/ mounting11 class enclosure batch unit _____________________________________________________________________________ [pcs] [kg] Suitable for switch types: OM_/ON_P: contacts, OL40_P: contacts One hole 96x96x70 ¡OTC26M25 1SCA022745R4680__________ 0. S s Suitable for door mounting and the type OTC36M25 click-on base mounting with circlip...63F_: and pole M -type knock-outs One hole mm2 One hole mm2 161x100x80 175x145x110 OTC36LM25 0TC46LM40 1SCA022761R4980 1SCA112832R1001 20 0...02 60 OTC46LM40/OT40F_ 0X6X60 1SCA111459R1001 0.2 Suitable for switch types: OM/ON_R: contacts, OL40. Enclosure colour: light grey...80_R: contacts, OT16.Enclosed rotary cam switches Ordering details Enclosures The enclosures can accommodate cam switches and switch-disconnectors.2 10 0.2 Suitable for switch types: OM_/ON_P: contacts, OL40_P: contacts One hole 96x96x108 OTC46M25 1SCA027745R4840 0