ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
3 4 96x96x70 ONA4EZ3PRY 1SCA112516R1001 0.4 Pole change switches (Dahlander) 25 305x215x185 ONP12EPB 1SCA022849R0260 0.3 Padlockable red-yellow handle, protection class IP65 2 96x96x70 ONA2EZ3PRY 1SCA112514R1001 0.3 C itc s Protection class IP65 1 96x96x108 ONU1EPB 1SCA022755R2850 0.3 M tro itc s Protection class IP65 Reversing switches 3 96x96x108 ONW3EPB 1SCA022755R2930 0.3 0. Neutral and earth terminals, 6mm2, included.4 1 The height without handle.3 9 96x96x138 ONA9EZ3PRY 1SCA112521R1001 0.3 Key type, protection class IP54 3 96x96x100 ONA3EKB 1SCA022662R2260 0.3 40 305x215x185 0L40P12EPB 1SCA022849R0340 0.3 4 96x96x70 ONA4EPB 1SCA022662R3680 0.3 8 96x96x108 ONA8EZ3PRY 1SCA112520R1001 0.3 9 96x96x138 ONA9EPB 1SCA022761R4710 0.3 5 96x96x85 ONA5EZ3PRY 1SCA112517R1001 0.3 3 96x96x70 ONA3EZ3PRY 1SCA112515R1001 0.4 [A] Function Size Type Order number Delivery Weight/ enclosure batch unit [pcs] [kg] Star delta switches 25 45 << <<11 >> 11 00 161x100x80 305x215x185 ONSDEPB 0L40SDEPB 1SCA022662R4140 1SCA022755R3230 4 4 0.3 3 96x96x70 ONA3EPB 1SCA022662R3500 0. O itc s Number Function Size 11 of poles enclosure Type Order number Delivery Weight/ batch unit [pcs] [kg] Basic handle, protection class IP65 2 96x96x70 ONA2EPB 1SCA022662R3410 0.3 8 96x96x108 ONA8EPB 1SCA022755R1290 0.3 5 96x96x85 ONA5EPB 1SCA022755R1020 0.3 6 96x96x85 ONA6EPB 1SCA022755R1110 0.3 3 96x96x138 OL40W3EPB 1SCA022849R0180 0.3 6 96x96x85 ONA6EZ3PRY 1SCA112518R1001 0.> Enclosed rotary cam switches Ordering details ONA_EZ3PRY Enclosed cam switches The type and the ordering number are for one piece. 60 ABB ONA3EKB ONSDEPB 1SCC302003C0201 . Special enclosed cam switches configurated the Camweb tool