ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 421 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
Enclosed switches Ordering information O S20.4 Ith Rated operational Suitable Cable Enclosure Type Ordering number Weight + 4 0° C current 22A for fuse outlets size [A] 23A 500V type side D [A/A] [kg] Includes pistol-type black handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.0 63 63/30 A2-A3 II-flange 280 190 180 63G 3FC 1SCA022280R7320 3. Delivery with blank cable entries. C able knock-outs standard, flanges have ordered separately.9 200 200/200 B1-B2 II-flange 380 560 280 OS200BB2FCC3B 1SCA022280R9110 13. 20 20/20 2x025+016 233 350 140 20PA 1SCA022281R1510 4.. 32 /15 A2-A3 II-flange 280 190 180 32G 3FC 1SCA022280R6190 3. C able knock-outs standard, compression glands have ordered separately. Delivery with blank cable entries.400 O S20.0 125 100/55 A2-A3 II-flange 380 190 180 0S100G 4FC 1SCA022280R7910 5..8 32 /15 175 250 150 0S32PA 1FU 1SCA022281R1010 1.8 125 135/100 A2-A3 II-flange 380 190 180 0S100G 4FC 1SCA022280R8560 4.32 Plastic enclosed switch fuses, BS-type, 3-pole, IP65 Ith Rated operational Suitable Cable Enclosure Type Ordering number Weight +40°C current 22A for fuse outlets size [A] 23A 500V type side D [A/A] [kg] Includes pistol-type black handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals..8 Includes pistol-type black handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.7 32 32/32 175 250 150 0S32PA 1FU 1SCA022281R0460 1.8 63 /63 A2-A3 II-flange 280 190 180 S63G A3FCC3B 1SCA022280R6780 2. 32 32/32 A2-A3 II-flange 280 190 180 S32G A3FCC3B 1SCA022281R1600 2.2 200 200/110 B1-B2 II-flange 380 560 280 200B 2FC 1SCA022280R9700 14.7 Includes pistol-type black handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.0 ABB _______ 9 1SCC340009C0201 .6 400 400/400 B1-B4 II-flange 380 560 280 OS400BB4FCC3B 1SCA022302R6630 14. C able knock-outs standard, flanges have ordered separately.32P / O S32G .0 32 32/32 2x025+016 233 350 140 32PA 1SCA022281R2670 4... 20 20/20 175 250 150 0S20PA 1FU 1SCA022280R9290 1..6 315 315/315 B1-B3 II-flange 380 560 280 315B 3FC 1SCA022281R0380 14. 20 20/10 175 250 150 0S20PA 1FU 1SCA022280R9880 1.6 Plastic enclosed switch fuses, BS-type, 4-pole, IP65 Ith Rated operational Suitable Cable Enclosure Type Ordering number Weight + 4 0° C current 22A for fuse outlets size [A] 23A 500V type side W H D [A/A] [kg] Includes pistol-type black handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals