Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...
Poznámky redaktora
25 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR25BA6M 1SCA022575R3090 1.7
63 2x032+016 150 200 100 TR45BA4M 1SCA022569R6430 1.4
Stainless steel sheet enclosed switch-disconnectors, 4-pole, IP65
Rated operational Cable outlets Enclosure size Type Ordering number Weight
current [A] size [mm]
AC-22A AC-23A AC-23A
<500V <415V 500V [kg]
Includes selector-type red-yellow handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.7
63 2x032+016 150 200 100 TR45BA3M 1SCA022569R6350 1.
63 B-flange 200 300 135 OTR45BA6B 1SCA022611R6910 3.
16 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR16BA4M 1SCA022569R5200 1.7
25 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR25BA3M 1SCA022569R5540 1.8
40 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR32BA6M 1SCA022575R3410 1.9
80 2x032+016 150 200 100 TR63BA3M 1SCA022569R6780 1.
100 B-flange 200 300 135 OTR100BA4B 1SCA022569R7410
100 200 300 135 OTR100BA4U 1SCA022569R7670
125 B-flange 200 300 135 OTR125BA4B 1SCA022569R7830
125 200 300 135 OTR125BA4U 1SCA022569R8050
Stainless steel sheet enclosed switch-disconnectors, 6-pole, IP65
Rated operational Cable outlets Enclosure size Type Ordering number Weight
current [A] size [mm]
AC-22A AC-23A AC-23A
<500V <415V 500V [kg]
Includes selector-type red-yellow handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.5
63 200 300 135 OTR45BA6U 1SCA022611R7040 3.4
100 200 300 135 TR100BA3U 1SCA022569R7590 3.
C able knock-outs standard, compression glands have ordered separately.
C able knock-outs standard, flanges have ordered separately.
16 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR16BA6M 1SCA022575R2610 1.
100 B-flange 200 300 135 OTR100BA3B 1SCA022569R7320 3.7
25 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR25BA4M 1SCA022569R5620 1.4
125 B-flange 200 300 135 TR125BA3B 1SCA022569R7750 3.5
80 B-flange 200 300 135 OTR63BA6B 1SCA022611R7390 3.
C able knock-outs standard, flanges have ordered separately.^
Enclosed switches
Ordering information
Stainless steel sheet enclosed switch-disconnectors, 3-pole, IP65
Rated operational Cable outlets Enclosure size Type Ordering number Weight
current [A] size [mm]
AC-22A AC-23A AC-23A
<500V <415V 500V [kg]
Includes selector-type red-yellow handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.4
125 200 300 135 TR125BA3U 1SCA022569R7910 3.
C able knock-outs standard, compression glands have ordered separately.5
28 ABB
C able knock-outs standard, flanges have ordered separately.5
80 200 300 135 OTR63BA6U 1SCA022611R7470 3.
16 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR16BA3M 1SCA022569R5110 1.9
Includes pistol-type red-yellow handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.9
80 2x032+016 150 200 100 TR63BA4M 1SCA022569R6860 1.8
Includes pistol-type red-yellow handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.7
40 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR32BA4M 1SCA022569R6010 1.7
40 2x025+016 150 200 100 TR32BA3M 1SCA022569R5970 1.9
Includes pistol-type red-yellow handle (I-0 and indication), and PE-terminals.
C able knock-outs standard, compression glands have ordered separately