ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
Suitable Units/ eight/ for type unit switches Type Order number [pcs] [kg] OTDC100.250: Max.. 0TD C100.55 140 0.03 0TD C100.250, 0T315.i: O T315.04 11Contact numbering: (83) (43) (53) (61) (31) (71) (84) (44) (54) (62) (32) (72) 2)Auxiliary contactsOA1G_ are available larger packing well.250, 0T315.. A bulk package includes auxiliary contacts.. Suitable Delivery eight/ for batch21 unit switches Function Type Order number [pcs] [kg] Mounting the left side the switch under the mechanism cover Mounting the left side the switch: Max.contacts break before the main contacts open.250, OT315.03 Module for auxiliary contacts Screw ounting the left side the itch... test con tacts test indication cts....g. Mounting under the mechanism cover: O 100..i: The test con tacts can used standard auxiliary con tacts well.630 0EA28 1SCA022714R8810 0. Performance data according IEC 60947-5-1 For OA1G OA3G_ Ue/[V] AC15 Ue/[V] DC12 DC13 Ie/[A] Ie/[A] P/[W] Ie/[A] P/[W] 230 240 50 400 290 0.27 70 440 0. The type and and the ordering num bers are for one piece..55 70 690 250 0.630 1NC 0A3G01 1SCA022456R7410 0..630 0A1G 1SCA022353R4970 0.1 44 Switches for applications Ordering inform ation 23 . Early break type auxiliary contacts means that the switches, the aux. OA1G01/B... auxiliary contact blocks ith the OEA28 module. test contacts test con tacts test indication cts.Ordering information Accessories OA1G, 0A3G01 S00261A 11 OEA28 S01641A Auxiliary contact blocks, IP20 C ontact num bering according 50013. Type number: add suffix: /B, e.8 60 415 125 250 0..630: Max.