ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 300 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
.04 Adapter for extension socket The adapter can placed inside the extension socket OETLZX95.02 22 Ordering information Switches for applications .23 OXT20X210X S02211A Extension ring for pistol type handles OHB_ Black OHZX14 1SCA022851R6590 0.03 12 OETLZX95 1SCA022083R5620 0.. Shaft Units/ eight/ diam eter unit type [mm] Type Order number [pcs] [kg] 6 OESAZX167 1SCA022190R1560 0. OXT20x210X 1SCA103684R1001 1..3 Black OHZX11 1SCA022708R3610 0.. 12 Black OHZX10 1SCA022661R3610 0. For pistol type handles OH_65. The type and the ordering num bers are for one piece.23 For selector type handles OH_1.. The type and the ordering num bers are for one piece. OETLZK19 1SCA022093R18506 0.5 OETLZX95, OESAZX167 S00080A Shaft extension socket For extending the shaft com bination attachm ent.275J6.Ordering information Accessories OHZX1Ü S01432A OHZX14 S02194A e Shaft accessories Colour Type Order number Delivery eight/ batch unit [pcs] [kg] Shaft alignment ring Im proves the handle operation handle and shaft have been poorly aligned..06 Shaft tube S upporting shafts longer than 280 mm