ABB Návody k modulárním přístrojům Systém pro M

| Kategorie: Návody k obsluze Montážní návody  | Tento dokument chci!

... ochrana proti nadproudům: musí být použit proudový chránič se zkratovou ochranou, který chrání systém proti přetížení a zkratům. Napájení: zařízení může být napájeno buď ze spodních nebo horních svorek. Montáž: chránič je navržen pro upevnění na symetrickou lištu DIN, podle EN 60715, 35 mm šířky, s rychlosvorkou, která ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 389 z 507

Poznámky redaktora
g. • individual cases, check whether additional protection measures are still necessary, e. For operation: • place high demands the EMC interference resistance of the electronics when developing our products. these cases, not permissible connect safety extra-low voltage. Important: • Only safety extra-low voltage may connected for operating the clock with safety extra-low voltage. The interference immunity achieved significantly exceeds the currently valid requirements the appropriate standards. isolating relay switching contacter, mains interference suppresser filter. GB . • When operating the clock with function extra-low voltage, either the mains voltage (230 AC) function extra-low voltage may be connected.g.g. For assembly: • Suitable for use ambient conditions with normal contamination levels • Use the appropriate Grasslin accessories for wall surface-mounting. • extreme cases, recommended install another module, e. the installation appropriate components (varistor, suppresser diode, element). For operation: • metallic pointed objects (e.Safety information 3 Installation must carried out and inspected specialist or under his supervision. needles) may used keys pressed with tool. If correctly installed accordance with VDE Part , the parts with which contact still possible can regarded as double-insulated (protection class II)