The SACE ATS010 has been integrated ith electrical interlock featuring power
relays that guarantee high intrinsic safety tro llin the circu breakers.8 determ ine the release num ber you r
ATS010 unit.
W arning: ATS010 release always stops the gen set case failed
c irc breaker command.1 Opening/closing circuit breakers intrinsic safety
The output relays com and the irc breakers means otor operators (for
moulded-case circu breakers) con tro coils (fo circu breakers).
The figures low provide graphic dica tion this con tro ctio hen the
norm line circu breaker opened. See Chapter r
the allow able voltage ratings such controls.
I does not receive feedback indicating correct state ith seconds after the
com and has been issued, the ATS010 considers ile attempt.5. The commands open and close -N
and B-E sim ilar manner.
I the operation has been com pleted successfully, the ATS010 disables the command
(pow ering the otor) after s. The
autom ation gic software has also been designed prevent circu breakers
fro closing simultaneously.3.
To guarantee axim relia ility, after issuing the command, the autom ation logic
m onitors correct circu breaker operation. The output
relay configu ration has been designed make possible com and any type f
m otor operator through direct connection the 010.
In case com and failure, the plant powered through the emergency line -
E closed), the ATS010 keeps the generator running guarantee the ost continuous
pow supply possible. See section 7.
N Line
----------------1________________ CACBN
______________ CB-N ON
CB-N rm
Command failed Com and successful
ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467. this case it:
- stops autom ation logic
- turns the ircu breaker alarm D
- closes the and isabled output contacts.5 Description ofOutputs