5W 48Vdc
O perating temperature -25oC ..4A@ 48V
Protection rating IP54 front panel
Dim ensions 144 144 85
W eight [kg] 0..500Vac ith direct connection
Over 500Vac ith external VT
Rated frequency 50Hz, Hz
Impulse voltage inputs kV
Output contact ratings
R ated current 40°C A
M axim itchable voltage 250 Vac (150Vac for logic state and alarm signals)
S itchable rated apparent pow AC15 750VA
AC1 3000VA
S itchable inim load 300mW 10V 5mA
Electrical life 105operations AC1 3000VA
M axim itchable voltage 220V
Breaking capacity DC1 12A@ 24V
Net sensor
Normal line rated voltage 100.+70°C
M axim humidity 90% without condensation
Storage temperature -25oC. ripple +/- 5%)
M axim power consum ption 24Vdc
10W 48Vdc
Rated power (net present and CBs not operated) 1..3A 110V
ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467.Mechanical and electrical characteristics
Reference standards
E 50178 (1997): lectronic devices used pow plants"
Compliance ith EEC Voltage irective 73/23, compliance ith EEC irective
on Electrom agnetic com patibility 89/336.
Electrom agnetic com patibility: 50081-2, 50082-2
E nvironm ental conditions: IEC 68-2-1, IEC 68-2-2, 68-2-3
General characteristics
Net power supply voltage
(galvanically insulated from ground)
24Vdc +/-20%
48Vdc +/-10%
(max..8W 24Vdc