ABB Jednotka řízení záskoku Návod k instalaci a provozu (4)

| Kategorie: Návody k obsluze Montážní návody  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 115 z 185

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Poznámky redaktora
g.AUTOMATIC OPERATION WARNING! Even the unit appears stand by, switch offbefore accessing the circuit breakers the power supply. The unit does not run switching procedure ATS State LED yellow A utom ation logic is OFF - utom ation logic has been disabled using the p button the front panel - utom ation logic has been disabled using external command - iring error The term inal enable the logic has not been connected The unit does not run switching procedure ATS State LED OFF and all other LEDs on the front panel indicate operating conditions are OK. such cases, the circuit breakers could start operation without warning. as though there ere edicated pow supply for the com mands. The unit could delay phase awaiting set time delay, could awaiting some other external condition. - motor operators control coils are not pow ered - the motor charging the springs that open/close the (EM does not function properly; thu the springs are still discharged when the unit attem pts operate the CB. Normal supply OK (green LEDs L1, L2, L3 or R,S,T) but the unit does not close the net CB - The unit receiving command force sw itching - The unit aiting for the set delay time to run out - utom ation logic has been disabled through the button the front panel has been forced ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467. PR ESCRIPTIO SSIBLE CAUSES Alarm LED for one of the two CBs goes on A S010 attem to open clo the CB has failed - Switching strategy selection error The motor operators control coils are pow ered norm and gen set lines the A S010 configured for STRATEGY1, e. For example, strategy has been set and the unit is w aiting for the generator line pow er before operating the CBs The unit receiving command force sw itching The unit switches the em ergency line even if normal supply OK (green LEDs L1, L2, L3 or R,S,T) The unit receiving command force sw itching. - itching strategy selection error