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Vydal: SITEL, spol. s r.o. Autor: Wibe Group

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Smooth stainless steel, with better price and corrosion resistance exceeding that of HDG, Performa Zinc+ corrosion control the smart way. Salt spray tests prove that Performa Zinc+ system has corrosion resistance exceeding that HDG surface treatment (class accor- ding 61537 for the complete system). Smooth and aesthetic surface finish. A new type of mesh trays for smarter installations in tougher environments; Performa Zinc+. Excellent ductility. The surface coating basically consisting of zinc and aluminium. Performa Zinc+ has superior coating ductility compared HDG and can easily be bent into shape without ever getting cracks and losing their protective ability. That’s when you need our new range Performa Zinc+ mesh trays. burnings, no flakes and sharp edges. Corrosion control the smart way All Performa mesh trays are sturdy, thanks their construction.CaG15. 5 5 6 8 8 HDG Zinc+ Accessories Lids and dividers Brackets Mesh Trays P126517 P126491 . But a robust design isn’t enough when trays are installed demanding environments, such the chemical industry, acid alkaline atmospheres. Performa Zinc+ gives excellent corrosion resistance together with a perfect finish. Performa Zinc+ can also fully satisfac- tory alternative stainless steel some environments. Hot dip galvanized (HDG) trays are the price and trustworthy alternative, but they often have uneven surface with flakes and sharp edges, caused by the hot-dip galvanizing process.1EN_14Jul2022 11 Performa Zinc+ To address all weak spots are using new innovative technique, where the material is evenly coated with new substance, before the products are constructed. If scratched the surface is close self repairing. This results in an excellent galvanic protection and a smooth and aesthetic finish, without any irregularities. endure these conditions trays need supplied with higher resistance corrosion. Sometimes, and for some installations you don’t want risk any friction, strain or unnecessary scratches the cables to the installer’s hands. Stainless steel very reliable, but also a rather expensive choice. Self-repairing galvanic protection cut edges and surface damages. And deformation resulting from high temperature exposure during the hot-dip galvanizing process