Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


Strana 214 z 288

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The differ- ing connection can used maximise availability (parallel connection) switch off the luminaire if there defect the protection device (serial con- nection).4. As the minimum lighting strength required the work- station can lead accidents errors, immediate ac- tion required. TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 214 Chapter The internal lightning protection system . After damage, the lights or the LED drivers can only repaired high cost. However, the luminaires are of- ten from this distributor. Independently this, the surge protection system should installed for the entire lighting sys- tem. Surge protection devices must used the subdis- tributor supplied. If the luminaires are, for example, mounted directly be- neath the cable support systems, then the surge pro- tection can also inserted junction box front of the luminaires. In industrial and sports halls, the luminaires are in- stalled great height. protect the LED drivers and the light, protection device then re- quired directly front the electronic components. The usually very long supply lines have high poten- tial for inductive coupling surge voltages. Connection the protection device The protection device ÜSM-LED 230 can installed in series with parallel the luminaires.LED lighting system indoor car park 3. lightning protection sys- tem, the supply cables the entrance the building must protected using suitable lightning current ar- restors. A risk analysis according IEC 62305 can used to determine whether external lightning protection system required not. use the shielding function the metallic cable support systems, these must in- cluded the equipotential bonding both sides.6 LED internal lighting buildings and halls LED lighting systems industrial plants and adminis- trative buildings are usually destroyed high voltages, coupled inductively switching opera- tions.2