Lightning protection guide by OBO

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Last revision 2020


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A lightning protection system consists both external and internal lightning protection measures. Several hundred million euros damage done each year, especially result electrical surges. Lightning strikes Germany around two million times year, and that figure rising. Key data about lightning: • 1,500,000,000 lightning strikes annually per year • 2,000,000 lightning strikes Germany per year • 450,000 instances surge voltage damage Ger- many per year • Surge voltage damage can occur over radius of up from the location the lightning strike • The majority lightning strikes are magnitude between and kA TBS Blitzschutz-Leitfaden 2018 / en / 2020/01/10 14:42:40 14:42:40 (LLExport_02613) / 2020/01/10 14:42:54 14:42:54 10 Chapter General introduction . protects people from injury, structures from damage and elec- trical equipment from failure due surge voltages. Discharges oc- cur both rural and densely populated areas, endan- gering people, buildings and technical equipment.% of lightning strikes Lightning amplitude [kA] positive and negative lightning Frequency lightning amplitude 1.1 Lightning Lightning and surge voltages endanger people and assets