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Joysticky Kompaktni pohybová tlačítka Kompaktní prosvětlená tlačítka Přídavné držáky popisných štítků potenciometry Montažní nástroje ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
Twist release.124 ■ Yellow/Light grey Pull release. Yellow top light grey bottom 9 Red MEPY1-1005 1SFA 611 821 R1005 0. Left Right 9 Red 1 NC 9 Green 1 NO MEP2-1001 1SFA 611 812 R1001 0. Black button NC CEP1-2002 1SFA 619 811 R2002 0.108 ■ Yellow/Light grey Key release. Red button NC CEPY1-2002 1SFA 619 821 R2002 0. Legend Plate: “Emergency Stop“ Yellow top/light grey bottom 9 Red MEPY1-1026 1SFA 611 821 R1026 1 1-seat Plastic Enclosure ■ Yellow/Light grey Twist release. Red button NC CEPY1-1002 1SFA 619 821 R1002 0.220 IO 1SFC151004C0201 Pilot Devices 65 . Black button NC CEP1-1001 1SFA 619 811 R1001 0.124 2-seat Plastic Enclosure Dark grey top light grey bottom Two Flush Pushbuttons.108 ■ Dark grey/Light grey Pull release. Legend Plate.124 ■ Dark grey/Light grey Pull release. Black button NC CEP1-1002 1SFA 619 811 R1002 0. Red button NC CEPY1-2001 1SFA 619 821 R2001 0.105 1-seat Plastic Enclosure with Shroud ■ Yellow/Light grey Twist release. Red button NC CEPY1-1006 1SFA 619 821 R1006 0.108 1-seat Plastic Enclosure with Black Mushroom Pushbutton and Shroud ■ Dark grey/Light grey Twist release. Momentary.234 9 Red MEPY1-1024 1SFA 611 821 R1024 0.124 1-seat Plastic Enclosure with Black Mushroom Pushbutton ■ Dark grey/Light grey Twist release. Red button NC CEPY1-1001 1SFA 619 821 R1001 0.250 1-seat Plastic Enclosures Emergency Stop Pushbutton, mm.Assembled Stations ■ %0 Emergency Stop Enclosure * Emergency Stop Enclosure with Shroud 2-seat Plastic Enclosure Description Type Order Code Package Weight Quantity Kg 1-seat Plastic Enclosures Emergency Stop Pushbutton, mm.108 ■ Yellow/Light grey Pull release. Black button NC CEP1-2001 1SFA 619 811 R2001 0. Twist release