new HART and fieldbus drivers being made available
all the time over the Internet, you are guaranteed
universal HART and fieldbus support single,
intrinsically-safe handheld communicator.
Detect power supply problems monitoring low
frequency noise segment.
FIGURE Easy Upgrade allows com unication between the 375 Field Com unicator and using IrDA.
Easy Upgrade lets you update your own 375 Field
Communicator and avoid waiting for your upgrades.Product Data Sheet
D351019X012/00813-0100-4276 Rev BA
Catalog 2008 2009 375 Field Communicator
FIGURE The 375 Field Com unicator provides single
tool for configuring and diagnosing HART and tio n
fieldbus devices.
Update your site, within your control, when it’s
convenient for you.
Universal HART and fieldbus
The 375 Field Communicator designed support
all HART and fieldbus devices.
Asset Management-3
. Locate incorrect
terminations and faulty devices diagnosing the
communications signal level.
With over 1000 different HART and FOUNDATION
fieldbus devices from more than 100 different
vendors, single field communicator that works with
all your devices will positively impact your bottom
line. using this feature, powerful new options
such fieldbus and Graphics can be
added merely purchasing these features and
downloading them your 375 Field Communicator. The IrDA port
enables transfer configuration data and upgrades between the 375 and Device Manager.
Online Licensing
The Online Licensing capability provided with the
Easy Upgrade option allows you enable new
options for your 375 Field Communicator over the
User upgradeable
As functional enhancements HART and
Fo fieldbus applications become available,
download the updates from the Internet and upgrade
your 375 Field Communicator. longer
necessary send your communicator service
center have new DDs software updates added. Use perform diagnostics for effective
start-up and troubleshooting fieldbus
segments. Create quality segment diagnosing
the network voltage and average noise.
Diagnose Network Problems
The 375 Field Communicator can also used to
configure all the fieldbus devices your
For HART loops, the 375 Field Communicator allows
you verify whether the voltage the loop is