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Standard Terms and Conditions Sale can found www. Rosemount and the Rosemount logotype are registered trademarks Rosemount Inc.375 Field Communicator Product Data Sheet D351019X012/00813-0100-4276 Rev BA Catalog 2008 2009 The Emerson logo trade mark and service mark Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property their respective owners.rosemount.zpanp.: 420 493 761 234 fax: 420 493 721 194 e-mail: obchod@zpanp.cz www. PlantWeb and AMS are marks one the Emerson Process Management group companies.s.cz . Pražská 470 509 Nová Paka tel.com\terms_of_sale ZPÄ NOVÁ PAKA ZPA Nová Paka, a