ZEZ SILKO mix informačních materiálů 2012

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Vydal: ZEZ SILKO s.r.o. Autor: ZEZ SILKO

Strana 88 z 177

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Poznámky redaktora
C6 The current transformer CT, must located that measures the whole load current plus the correction capacitors C7.3, SET-UP phase) Lagging Inductive kVAr Cos^ 180° kVAr Cos^ Leading/Capacitive -90° 90° Lagging Inductive kVAr Cos^ kVAr Cos^ Leading/Capacitive E xported er Im ported er . Before any maintenance operation the equipment must disconnected from power supply.- TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3. 250 AC1 lin ctio 1,5m ctio irc (gl typ tic lly ala not use 61010, 6100 0-3-2, 61000-3-3, 50081-2, 5008 50082-2, 6100 0-4-2, 61000-4-4, 6100 0-4-8, 61000-4-5, 61000-4-11 III II, 101 0-1, lim its: -20°C 60°C tive ity ith tio ax. Controller 12. See 4.cz For more information, the complete manual can downloaded from the web site ZEZ SILKO: 1. D isplay Standard mode: Displays C0S9 Indication setting C/K setting. See technical characteristics for cable sizes and required protections.IZIIEIZ y SILKO POW FACTOR REGULATOR c lle FR12 Controller 12 The Controller regulators measure cosp supply system and control the connection and disconnection capacitors obtain target programmed value.C12 Solo 2 COM tro syste m 7 8 9 10 12 I tio ) 2.2 Delay time setting for switching on/off operations steps setting Setting phase and polarity connection Cursor keys (when setting mode) Manual OFF (push during more than when RUN mode) Push both see the connected steps SETUP KEY: Push during more than enter SETUP mode Lagging current indication (Inductive load) Leading current indication (Capacitive load) 6 (0 y This manual easy guide for the use and operation the A nip tio use itio ecifie facture ris safety. ltitu 2000 IP51 (re -60 529 Four Quadrants Operation The Controller regulators operate quadrants (suitable for imported exported active power).- Regulator Connection A COM 5 6 For proper operation it's necessary install current transformer, (normally A), which primary must sized according the maximum expected load current the installation. Check phase connection and setup there exported energy and the indication not correct (see 4...zez-silko. For exported power, negative symbol displayed the cos^ indication. case miss operation protection fault the equipment must disconnected from supply and remain out service ensuring against any accidental reconnection. See paragraph Program setting. Must use switch automatic switch for supply the regulator P1 L1 L2L3N S1 C D POW SUPPLY ®O0 S2 [] P2 RELAY C1.S inpu and pro ctio urren irc urren argin 480,4 230 110 5-6 label) 2-L ross ctio 1,5m 0,5 use typ rre tra lin ctio 0,1 xim rlo lta and rre :1% 110V load relays); 9,8 tio 230V load relays); 9,6 400V load 7,5 relays); 9,5 relays) 480V 7,8 load 8,6 s); isp ontacts lin and rote ction elay lia llo Insu lation viro lim itio rote ction deg line its ico ax. www. The regulator supply (C-D terminals) must taken between two phases and the should located the third phase