Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce |
Tento dokument chci!
Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou krátkodobého výpadku dodávky elektrickéenergie z důvodu nenadálého přerušení dodávky elektrické. Práce řeší návrh využitízáložních zdrojů elektrické energie ve výrobních procesech, vyžadující nepřerušený přívodelektrickém energie, který by v případě výpadku dodávky elektrické energie mohl způsobitzávažné poruchy ve výrobních technologických procesech, následné ekonomické škody aohrožení zdraví, případně životů obsluhujícího personálu.
Then it
concretes the impact the production, eventually the machine damage and least the
safety the employees’ health and finally set the counteraction.
Although the UPS reach the high power (they mark with their high reliability), sometimes it
is important operate with some units cooperating with each other. Nowadays will hardly find the
branch where the informational and electronic systems still don’t get in.
The risk analysis serves the evaluating instrument and its results are bases for the
discovery the risk places, which may lead the damage the technological mechanism.
The analysis was aimed the possible effects the defect the power cut.
The aim this work was identify the results, which comes from the analyses, which
focused the production part and the assembly line used for the alternator completion in
LEROY SOMER comp. 458/2000 and its
public notice The Notice the Ministry the Trade nb. 80/2010 about the status the
need the energetic and The Type plan the Disturbance the large range the
electricity. The work includes the possible usage the back-up power supply
UPS, which can beneficial for their high reliability for the security the data systems. the installing the
UPS sources are assured the condition the trouble free progress. With respect to
the environment where are the electrical machines used, this equipment has fulfill the
strict electronics norms, especially the ČSN norm 2004-4-41 and the ČSN norm 2000-4-
42.UTB Zlíně, Fakulta aplikované informatiky, 2010 44
The modern electronic and information systems already interfere all the area the
human’s life the companies work, institutions etc.
The analysis doesn’t solve the financial loss connected with the power cut.
It can lead risk the life and health and destroy the environment. case the lack
of the electricity demands announcement the status the need the energetic,
eventually the critical state and operates according the energetic law nb. The other arrangements which may influence the machine safety work and detect the
eventual fault risk are the machine revision and the employees’ education. It
is possible use the UPS combination the combination the UPS and the diesel
generator for the higher data security