6.6 max. The values specified these
standards describe the power losses at
1.Definition overload and short-circuit protection
4.3 1.5 IN.5 W).91282250000 2012/2013
.6 max.5 max.3 A
Composite arrangement 2.3 A
W.6 2.
The IEC 60947-7-3 standard for fused
terminal blocks also based these
groups. 6. 6. Power losses for overload and
short circuit protection in
accordance with IEC 60947-7-3
The IEC 60127-x standard for cartridge
fuse inserts describes three categories
for power losses (1.
Table Example data for power loss specifications according IEC 60947-7-3
Arrangement Applications
Only short-circuit protection Overload and short-circuit protection
Individual arrangement max.3 1. 6