Open disconnect slide link terminals 2. Order No. Disconnect meter for the terminals and 7.
3. Open disconnect slide link the terminals and 7.651282250000 2012/2013
. Type Order No. Qty.
Meter test for through external power supply
Operation depending operating status:
1. Connect ammeter test sockets terminal 2.Operating status
(with external distribution k-point)
Test-disconnect terminals
Ordering data
WTD 6/1 WTL 6/1
D. Close the short-circuit slide the terminals and 2.
1 WEW35/2/EWK1 1061200000 2
2 WTD 6/1 1017100000 3
3 WTL 6/1 1016700000 7
4 STB IH/GE 0267200000 1
5 STB IH/GN 0271200000 1
6 STB IH/VI 0271300000 1
7 STB IH/BL 0343400000 1
8 0335700000 1
9 0335600000 1
10 0335800000 1
11 STB IH/GE 0389000000 2
12 STB IH/GN 0388900000 2
13 STB IH/VI 0389100000 2
14 STB 14/D6/4/M3 SAK10 0169900000 2
15 SSP 0531760000 7
16 QVS SAKT1+2 0307300000 1
17 TSCH 0353660000 1
18 58/8/9/WI 0545300000 1
19 ISPF QB58 0546000000 1
20 WAP WTL 1068300000 1
21 0318000000 9
Additionally available for shared k-point:
Pos. Connect external power supply test sockets terminals and 10.
Changing the meter for L1
Operation depending operating status:
21 58*angled 0545300000 0545300000 1
22 ISPFQB58SW* 0546000000 0546000000 1
* Shorten poles
Example transformer using WTL 6/1
Comparison measurement for L1
Operation depending operating status:
1. Open disconnect slide link the terminals and 7.
2. Close short-circuit slide the terminals and 2. Connect voltmeter test sockets terminals and 10.
2. Qty.
3. Type Order No