WEIDMUELLER Hlavní katalog řadových svorek (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z nejnovějšího katalogu řadových svorek a SAK Weidmüller ...

Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 283 z 571

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Poznámky redaktora
Disconnect meter for the terminals and 7.8/IH/GN WTL6/1 1847770000 1847770000 1  6 STB 36.6/45 1936260000 1936260000 2 14 STB 21. Open disconnect slide link the terminals and 7.8/IH/GE WTL6/1 1847760000 1847760000 1  5 STB 36. Connect ammeter test sockets terminal 2. Connect voltmeter test sockets terminals and 10. Open disconnect slide link the terminals and 7. 2. Operating condition with lockout device Testing condition with open disconnecting slider Operating condition without lockout device External cross-bridges D Terminals,W-Series D.8/IH/VI WTL6/1 1847780000 1847780000 1  7 STB 36. Close short-circuit slide the terminals and 2. Connect external power supply test sockets terminals and 10. Order No.6/45 1936250000 1936250000 2 13 STB 21.8/IH/BL WTL6/1 1847790000 1847790000 1  8 0335700000 0335700000 1  9 0335600000 0335600000 1 10 0335800000 0335800000 1 11 STB 21. 3. Type Order No. 3.6/45 1936240000 1936240000 2 12 STB 21. Open disconnect slide link terminals 2. 3. Meter test for through external power supply Operation depending operating status: 1. Order No. Close the short-circuit slide the terminals and 2. 2.  1 WEW35/2/EWK1 1061200000 0206160000 2  2 WTD 6/1 1934830000 1934830000 3  3 WTL 6/1 1934810000 1934810000 7  4 STB 36.Operating status (with external distribution k-point) Test-disconnect terminals Ordering data W Y Pos. Type Order No. Changing the meter for L1 Operation depending operating status: 1. Qty. Qty.6/45 1936270000 1936270000 2 15 SSP 0531760000 0531760000 7 16 WKS 2/3 1936140000 1936140000 3 17 58/8/9/WI 0545300000 0545300000 1 18 ISPF QB58 0546000000 0546000000 1 19 WAP WTL 1957710000 1957710000 1 20 0309700000 0309700000 9 Additionally available for shared k-point: W Y Pos. 2.631282250000 2012/2013 . 21 58*angled 0545300000 0545300000 1 22 ISPFQB58SW* 0546000000 0546000000 1 * Shorten poles Example transformer using WTL 6/1 EN Comparison measurement for L1 Operation depending operating status: 1