8-pole 46.216"
d 5.2 1.1 5.9 3.02")
0.5 2.43 95.6 2.83 79.3 1.104 1282250000 2012/2013
ø 3.6 2.82 54.74
7-pole 41.94
13-pole 71.43 69.1 13.1 3.03" 0.77" 0.9 3.33
5-pole 31.82 28.22 64.55
11-pole 61.
Of special note the fact that the coupling blocks
can supplied already fitted with the fixings you
require.8 3.3 mm
(0.25" 0.
We have therefore devised the following fixing
variations for separate couplings:
• Screws for fixing mounting plate enclosure
wall.5 1878600000
Screwed through-wall fixing
n-pole d
mm inch(") inch(")
2-pole 15.13")
C.0 3.14
9-pole 51.
ZVLA ZPS2.62 23.74
Plug-in connector system with infinite
number combinations but always with the
same fitting method.4 2.63 74.42 44.Pluggable standard terminals WeiCos Accessories
y 5.54
16-pole 87.7 0.02 33.23 90.
= 19.25" 0.62 49.4 2.1 3.8 0.5 0.5 mm 0.53"
The new options
Although separate coupling very useful (enabling
a connection disconnected any point), users
do not always want them quite readily
separable.0 3.93
3-pole 20.03 84.0 1.9 1.8 1.
• Clips for fixing mounting plate enclosure
wall (in this version every pole can provided
with clip required).9 1.9 1.34
10-pole 56.22 38.8 2.
• Clips for direct fixing terminal rail
(TS 35).74
12-pole 66.5 2.3 2.1 1.8 mm
15-pole 82.5 mm)
0.2 1.13
4-pole 25.14
14-pole 76.1 1.5 mm 0.
Mounting set coupling
Type Qty.02 59.53
6-pole 36.7 2. Order No.7 2.7 0