Pluggable standard terminals WeiCos Accessories
y 5.13
4-pole 25.02 59.5 mm 0.03 84.12"
ø 3.0 1.94
8-pole 46.53"
The new options
Although separate coupling very useful (enabling
a connection disconnected any point), users
do not always want them quite readily
separable.6 2.9 3.5 mm)
0.8 2.1 13.93
3-pole 20.7 0.1 1.104 1282250000 2012/2013
Plug-in connector system with infinite
number combinations but always with the
same fitting method.3 mm
(0.25" 0.8 0.55
11-pole 61.5 0.8 mm
0.0 3.
We have therefore devised the following fixing
variations for separate couplings:
• Screws for fixing mounting plate enclosure
Of special note the fact that the coupling blocks
can supplied already fitted with the fixings you
require.43 69.34
15-pole 82.34
10-pole 56.14
9-pole 51.2 1.2 1.
• Clips for fixing mounting plate enclosure
wall (in this version every pole can provided
with clip required).4 2.
ZVLA ZPS2.82 54.23 90.82 28.33
5-pole 31.43 95.54
16-pole 87.5 2.1 3.3 2.7 2.
• Clips for direct fixing terminal rail
(TS 35).6 2.62 23.1 3.7 0.9 1.94
13-pole 71.5 2.77" 0.0 3.63 74.9 3.83 79.5 1878600000
Screwed through-wall fixing
n-pole d
mm inch(") inch(")
2-pole 15.13")
C.1 5.03" 0.25" 0.62 49.
= 19.14
14-pole 76.7 2.8 3.9 1.42 44.02 33.216"
d 5.
Mounting set coupling
Type Qty.3 1.22 38.22 64.4 2.53
6-pole 36.74
12-pole 66. Order No.02")
0.5 mm 0.1 1.9 1.8 1.74
7-pole 41