5/1AN 1866070000
ZPS 2.RA 1007870000
ZP 2.5/2AN/QV 1007850000
ZP 2.5/2AN/QV O.5/2AN/QV ZAO.
GHDE ZPS 2.5/2AN/QV 1007810000
ZP 2.RA 1007890000
ZP 2. single elements
1861040000 BE
1861050000 GN
Single slice
element plugged
into start element
Pluggable standard terminals WeiCos Accessories
Ordering data
Type Qty.5/2AN/QV 1007820000
ZP 2.Construction coupling:
1 covern-pol.5/1AN/QV 1861040000
Ordering data
Type Qty.991282250000 2012/2013
.5/2AN/QV 1007830000
ZP 2.5/2AN/QV 1007840000
ZP 2.5/2AN/QV ZAO. Order No. Order No.5/1AN/QV/1GN 1861050000
ZPS 2.5/2AN/QV 1007860000
Single slice element ZPS couplingSingle slice element 2.5/2AN/QV plug
Construction plug:
1 start element
1007810000 BE
1007820000 BL
1007830000 GN
n-2 core element
1007870000 BE
1007880000 BL
1007890000 GN
1 end element
1007840000 BE
1007850000 BL
1007860000 GN
1861040000 BE
1861050000 GN
C.RA 1007880000
ZP 2.
ZP 2