Weidmueller - Elektroinstalační krabice pro průmyslové aplikace (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 298 z 319

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Poznámky redaktora
6 Allocation explosion groups, zones and equipment categories Classification explosive groups gas protection Flammable gases, vapours mists are divided according to their ignition resistance capacity into the explosive groups IIA, IIB and IIC.45 Combustible ingredients Explosive atmospheres Zone division Identification Equipment group Device category Gas, mist, vapours/fumes (G) permanent, long-term Zone 1G occasionally Zone 2G unlikely, short-term Zone 3G Dusts (D) permanent, long-term Zone 1D occasionally Zone 2D unlikely, short-term Zone 3D Classification zones and equipment categories .Technicalappendix W W.9 0.8 IIB 0.8 IIC 0. The danger the gas increases from IIA IIC that all equipment certified for use IIC areas may also used IIA and IIB areas.45 0.9 0.5 0. Explosion group Maximum experimen- tal safe gap (MESG) Minimum ignition current IIA 0. The lower this value, the higher the danger presented the gases. This classification based the respective maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) and the minimum ignition current of the gases.9 0