Weidmueller - Elektroinstalační krabice pro průmyslové aplikace (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 294 z 319

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Poznámky redaktora
The mixture either permanently present frequently present over long periods time. One measure the division the area into zones where explosive atmospheres could present. These protective levels determine the internal ignition risk device where the sort applied protection does not play role.Technicalappendix W W. Zone 21 An area where, during normal operations, potentially explosive atmosphere the form flammable dust cloud the air can occasionally form. The employer required, according the ATEX directive 1999/92/EC, take measures ensure the health and safety of the employees. This cloud is either permanently present frequently present over long periods time. . In particular these zones the following categories equipment should used, long they are suitable for use with gases, vapours, mists dusts: • In Zone Zone 20: category devices, • In Zone Zone 21: category category devices, • In Zone Zone 22: category category or category devices. Zone 20 An area where potentially explosive atmosphere present in the form flammable dust cloud the air. An explosive atmosphere mixture air and flammable gasses, vapours, mists dust under atmospheric conditions where, following successful ignition, the burning process will propagate throughout the whole unburned mixture. Zoning according the ATEX directive 1999/92/EC Zone 0 An area which has potentially explosive atmosphere that is a mixture air and flammable gases, vapours mists. The ATEX directive 1999/92/EC was transferred into national law. Compliance with the minimum standards contained this directive does not guarantee that all relevant national laws are met. Zone 1 An area which during normal operations potentially explosive atmosphere air and flammable gases, vapours mists can occasionally form. Unless the risk analysis conducted the employer indicates otherwise, all areas where explosive atmosphere may be present must equipped with devices and protective systems that meet the relevant category the ATEX directive 94/9/EC. For the risk assessment and well the zoning concept described above, devices themselves can considered in an alternative process which uses the equipment protection level (EPL). Zone 22 An area where, during normal operations, potentially explosive atmosphere the form flammable dust cloud the air is not normally present only present for short time.2 ATEX directive 1999/92/EC ATEX directive 1999/92/EC Article 137 the European Community Formation Treaty set out the minimum standards order improve workers’ health and safety, this can also put risk explosive atmospheres. Zone 2 An area for which during normal operations there most only a short-term occurrence potentially explosive atmosphere of mixtures air and flammables gases, vapours mists. possible for local regulators introduce more stringent requirements