Weidmueller - Elektroinstalační krabice pro průmyslové aplikace (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 284 z 319

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Poznámky redaktora
2 Customer specific solutions Application specific solutions – Your requirements are our motivation Each industry has its own requirements calling for more and more individual solutions aside from standard products. Many applications are subjected high mechanical strains – through vibration directly applied forces. Extreme temperature conditions the application hazardous areas are further factors your product must able comply with. Individual product development In co-operation with you will develop individual and future- oriented products the highest technological level tailored to your application.WeidmüllerSolutions&Service V V. . Application-specific products Our cross-industrial solutions set standards: Set for your application, instantly ready for use and available from stock. Your new product might have contend with severe conditions. Feel free contact us! Individual product development, customer-specific assembly or application-specific products that are ready for use with an individual and perfect solution want help you optimise working processes and ensure your company’s sustained efficiency today well for the future. offer you our competent and target-oriented support for the selection of ideal products for any application. Customer-specific assembly According your specifications use our great production expertise and our broad product portfolio set the solution meeting your requirements