F. This quick installation process practically fault-proof
and can undertaken regardless the ambient temperature. Power generated
directly the top the tower must then distributed under
harsh environmental conditions.
The FieldPower®
Box particularly affordable solution for wind
power facilities since enables the entire electrical installation to
be prepared ahead time the factory. the same manner, pre-assembled and
pre-tested connectors are used for connecting the outlets and
Later extensions including additional branch lines are just as
simple execute the original installation. The installable
modules for the individual tower segments are easily put
together site.Building automation
Wind power and FieldPower®
Box partners that fit
The FieldPower®
Box perfect fit for use wind power
. Customised
applications can take advantage the FieldPower®
decentralised installation box. The Box sturdy and easy-to-service solution
for power distribution; such ideal match for the
requirements wind power. With this versatile installation
platform, the outlet connection can integrated directly into
the power bus. electrical expert is
no longer needed the construction site.
Additional service functions are being added the FieldPower®
Box our continually expanding product line. The FieldPower®
Box features
IP65 protection and perfectly suited for this task.
Wind turbine towers are equipped with regularly spaced outlets
and lighting facilitate maintenance work