Weidmueller - Elektroinstalační krabice pro průmyslové aplikace (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 223 z 319

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Poznámky redaktora
This helps you quickly find an enclosure solution customised your needs. http://galaxy. Product Assistant You can use our Product Assistant easily pick combine the products you need.Standardised distribution boxes modular system All enclosures come with threaded holes variety of sizes there need use lock nuts.3 E . That helps save time and money. Application-specific solutions Weidmüller continues offer customised development and manufacture individualised customer-specific solutions.com Pre-drilled threaded holes Your choice the connection technology Distributionboxes E. The terminal strips are available with either screw tension-clamp connection.weidmueller. Enclosures can processed and populated precisely in accordance with customer requirements and also with Ex approval