Weidmueller - Elektroinstalační krabice pro průmyslové aplikace (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 20 z 319

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Poznámky redaktora
Enclosures B. To identify the enclosure side views, these are marked with the letters and The schematic representations shown underneath are enclosure that has been wall- mounted.8 B Introduction Drawing design For chapter B The drawings contained chapter are constructed the following way. You can find the dimensions the enclosure sides for all enclosure sizes each drawing. F shows the view the enclosure lid (front aspect), E marks the inner surface the enclosure (view into the enclosure when the lid has been opened). A top B bottom C left D right E enclosure base F enclosure lid . A shows the view the enclosure from above and B the view the enclosure from underneath. E the view from the front into the enclosure‘s interior, without lid. C shows the left and D the right side the enclosure