Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.
Poznámky redaktora
5 12.00 1095360000
KUB M20 G20S 1.30 16.00 EL55 1095450000
KUB M50 G50S 1.5 52.00 EL80 1095520000
KUB M63 G63 1.5 45.40 115 16.00 EL65 1095480000
KUB M50 G50 1.5 39.5 58.
metric, brass
KUB M20 G16 1.40 122 19.50-72.00 EL90 1095540000
KUB M75 G75S 1.00 122 19.00 EL90 1095570000
Note All cable glands have pitch 1.
• applications, the cable glands used for internal thread must accordance with the requirements section 5.00 105 16.20-27.00 EL30 1095380000
KUB M20 G20 1.3 EN/IEC 60079-1. Order No.20-65.00 EL30 1095390000
KUB M25 G25 1.5 28.00 EL38 1095410000
KUB M32 G32 1.00 1095370000
KUB M20 G20 1.20 105 16.30-23.40-13.50-12.00 EL55 1095440000
KUB M40 G40 1.00 1095340000
KUB M20 G16 1.5 16.80-68.5 9.60-34.80 122 19.35
cable glands Brass Ex-d, IP68 for armoured and non-armoured cables
Barrier cable glands for cables and lines with single-wire, metal-foil
armouring, and braided armouring for Ex-d IIC enclosure, with volume of
more than two litres.50 103 16.5 33.50-17.00 EL80 1095500000
KUB M63 G63S 1.85 °C
Degree protection bar
Water depth 100 (30 Min.5 41.5 mm.80-59.50 115 16.80-21.70 115 16.00 EL90 1095550000
KUB M75 G75 1.5 60.40 103 16.40-61.00 EL38 1095400000
KUB M25 G25 1.70-30.5 11.00 EL90 1095560000
KUB M75 G75 1.60 16.00 1095350000
KUB M20 G20S 1.5 26.5 64.20 122 19.90 16.10 16.5 23.10-54.5 71.00-16.5 20.10-73.50 16.
Technical data
Material Brass
O-ring Seal insert Silicone CR
Temperature range -60 °C.70-78.)
Type armouring Single-wire armouring, Metal foil armouring, Braided armouring
Sealing compound Processing temperature 21°C, the sealing compound hardened after one hour, The cable gland can mounted after four hours, You
can begin using after four hours
Approval ATEX GD, llC A21 IP68, IECEx llC l
Ordering data
Type Thread L/L1 SUHB Qty.00 EL65 1095470000
KUB M50 G50 1..00 EL80 1095530000
KUB M75 G75S 1.5 47.00 EL46 1095420000
KUB M32 G32 1.70-48.20 115 19.
Cable glands for applications Brass
.80 115 19.00 EL65 1095490000
KUB M63 G63S 1.00-10.5 34.5 15. the screwed position, least 5
threads must engaged.60 115 16.00 16.5 9.40-42.5 66.50-53.80-40.50 16.00 EL65 1095460000
KUB M50 G50S 1.20 115 19.00-36.5 53.10-46.00 16.
• The connection cable must laid securely prevent being placed under tensile load.00 EL46 1095430000
KUB M40 G40 1.5 6.50 115 19..C
C.00 EL80 1095510000
KUB M63 G63 1