Weidmueller - Elektroinstalační krabice pro průmyslové aplikace (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 177 z 319

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Poznámky redaktora
80-42.35 16.5 20.15-0.6 16.70 0.10 6.50-62.00 L65 1135790000 KDSX M50 G50 1.00 0.20 0.5 58.20 25.00 0.00-26.00 32.00-11.40-65.50-73.00 32.3-0.00 4.20 54.20 0.5 23.40 0.70 0.60-36.50-68.00 L80 1135850000 KDSX M75 G75S 1.15-0.00 L80 1135840000 KDSX M63 G63 1.5 47.15-0.00 60.50 42.00 32.00 110 L90 1135870000 KDSX M75 G75 1.5 L30 1135690000 KDSX M20 G20 1.5 45.5 L24 1135670000 KDSX M20 G20S 1.50-44.5 33.00 110 L90 1135860000 KDSX M75 G75S 1.8 16.35 16.8 19.50-50.00 32.40 0.40-12.2-0.5 11.10 0.00-20.C C.30 0.00 110 L90 1135890000 Note All cable glands have pitch 1.00-17.8 19.00 32.00-11.00 8.35 16.80-61.80-23.5 15.10-78..10 0.3-1 19.50-56.5 8.00 L80 1135820000 KDSX M63 G63S 1.5 16.50-50.80-72. • the cable glands are installed non-metallic connection equipment, these must connected the protective earth the system.3-0.5 34.50-54.00 L65 1135800000 KDSX M50 G50 1.5 26.10-48.50-44.55 16.00 54.) Type armouring Braided armouring Approval ATEX GD, llC A21 IP68, IECEx IIC ll Note Without the GWDR IP54; the GWDR must ordered separately.00-8.00 L55 1135760000 KDSX M40 G40 1.5 L38 1135720000 KDSX M25 G25 1.5 16. • The connection cable must laid securely prevent being placed under tensile load.15-0.40-13.90-10.30 0. Ordering data Type Thread outer cable inner cable Cable armour L/L1 MODR SUHB Qty.00 0.30-27.5 L24 1135650000 KDSX M20 G16 1.5 mm.60 25.50-56.3-0.15-0.15-0.00 L65 1135780000 KDSX M50 G50S 1.50 19.5 9.70-53.5 bar Water depth (30 Min.80 42.00 32.50-21.3-1 19.00 19.3 EN/IEC 60079-1.00 0.20 0.00 L46 1135750000 KDSX M40 G40 1.70-14.5 71. Order No.3-0.5 53.00-26.20 49.5 39. metric, brass KDSX M20 G16 1.8 19.6 16.00-32.3-0.20 0.31 Klippon® cable glands Brass Ex-e, Ex-d, for armoured cable L1 D2 L D1 SW Cable gland with braided armouring for cables and lines.40 60.15-0.2-0.00-20.55 16.00 47.5 64.00 L65 1135810000 KDSX M63 G63S 1.10 0.60 6.40-46.40 31.00 0.2-0.90 13.6 16.15-0. Technical data Material Brass Seal insert CR Temperature range -60 °C.50-38.00 L55 1135770000 KDSX M50 G50S 1.35 16.8 16.00-32.00 0.15-0.00-8.00 L80 1135830000 KDSX M63 G63 1.5 16.5 66.50-16.5 L24 1135680000 KDSX M20 G20 1.6 16.5 L30 1135710000 KDSX M25 G25 1.5 L24 1135660000 KDSX M20 G20S 1.3-1 19.5 16.00 0.20-30.180 °C Degree protection 54 Degree protection with thread gasket 66, 2.5 60.5 16.00 0.20 36.8 19. Cableentries Cable glands for applications Brass .10-59.00 L46 1135740000 KDSX M32 G32 1.70 31.80 49.50-68.00 110 L90 1135880000 KDSX M75 G75 1.5 12.10 0.3-1 19.50 4.5 41.00 0.50-38.00 47.00 0.5 28.00-40.50 8.70-14.50 36.5 L38 1135730000 KDSX M32 G32 1. • applications, the cable glands used for internal thread must accordance with the requirements section 5.5 4.5 52.20-68..15-0.70-34.40 13. the screwed position, least 5 threads must engaged.3-0.2-0.50-62