Weidmueller - Elektroinstalační krabice pro průmyslové aplikace (EN)

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Všechny kapitoly z katalogu elektroinstalačních krabic a kabelových vývodek.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmüller

Strana 149 z 319

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Poznámky redaktora
5 PG 28.2 M 16.3 PG 37.1 PG 18.Cableentries C.2 PG thread Through-hole, mm PG 12.4 PG 22.3 C Introduction You should always observe the maximum drill-hole diameter when installing cable gland, sealing plug, adaptor pressure compensation element (e. Through-hole information M thread Through-hole, mm M 12.2 M 63.5 20.2 M 40.2 M 50.g.2 PG 54.2 M 32. onto the gland plate an enclosure).5 PG 13.2 PG 59.5 Overview sealing materials for O-rings, flat gaskets well seal inserts Abbreviation Material Trade name Temperature range Chemical resistance Fire resistant Shore Free from halogens resistance TPE Thermo-plastic elastomer Santroprene -40 °C…+130 Hydrocarbons, oils, acids UL94, Yes very good CR Chloroprene rubber Neoprene -40 °C…+130 Mineral oils, greases, fuels very good very good NBR Nitrile rubber Perbunan, Nitrile -40 °C…+130 Hydrocarbons, oils, acids, aliphatic solvents, greases, fuels weak good EPDM Ethylene-propylene-diene rubber Keltan -50 °C…+130 Weather-, grease-, mineral oil-, chlorine-,and ozone resistant, hydrocarbons weak very good FPM Fluoro-rubber Viton -25 °C…+200 ozone, oxygen, mineral oils, synthetic hydraulic fluids, fuels, aromatics, many organic solvents and chemicals weak good Abbreviations technical data A, Length L1 Length thread D Diameter S Thickness GWDR Threaded sealing ring washer S1,S2 Depth SW Distance across flats (AF) KB Clamping range Thread External thread SUHB Shroud TRQ Body torque MODR Mounting torque TRQ Cap nut torque Qty.2 M 75.2 M 20.2 M 25.4 PG 15. Packing unit Product designation VG Cable gland VP Sealing plugs KDSU Klippon Double Seal Universal KDSW Klippon Double Seal for SWA KDSX Klippon Double Seal for SWB/STA KSG Klippon Standard Gland KUB Klippon Universal Barrier KSPA Klippon Stopping Plug Type A KSPM Klippon Stopping Plug Mushroom KSWN Klippon Sealing Washer Nylon KSWF Klippon Sealing Washer Red Fibre KSP Klippon Shroud PVC/Silicone SKMU Hexagon nut DAE Pressure compensation element BD Breather drain (compensation element) EWS Drain plug SZS Serrated Star Washers ZE Strain relief EMV Electromagnetic compatibility SKS Spiral kink protection .4 PG 47. These must not exceed the following specified maximum values tolerances that the protection degree of the whole enclosure can guaranteed