Poznámky redaktora
1) redukovaným ovládacím napětím 0,9 1,0 sredukovaným jmenovitým proudem Ie/AC1
D385E 5
Capacitor Switching Contactors for North America
Data according UL508
Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus) Type K3-18KK3-18KK3-18KK3-18KK3-18K K3-24KK3-24KK3-24KK3-24KK3-24K K3-32KK3-32KK3-32KK3-32KK3-32K K3-50KK3-50KK3-50KK3-50KK3-50K K3-62KK3-62KK3-62KK3-62KK3-62K K3-74KK3-74KK3-74KK3-74KK3-74K K3-90KK3-90KK3-90KK3-90KK3-90K K3-115KK3-115KK3-115KK3-115KK3-115K
Rated operational power
of 3-phase capacitor banks 110-120V kVAr 0-3,5 3-5,5 3-7 6,5-10 6,5-15 6,5-18 10-24 10-28 2)
at 60Hz (3ph) 200V kVAr 0-6 4,5-10 4,5-12,5 10-16,7 10-25 10-32 17-40 17-46 2)
220-240V kVAr 0-7 5,5-11 5,5-15 12,5-20 12,5-30 12,5-361) 20-47 20-56 2)
440-480V kVAr 0-15 11,5-25 11,5-30 25-40 25-60 25-72 40-95 40-114 2)
550-600V kVAr 0-18 14,5-30 14,5-35 31-50 31-75 31-90 50-120 50-143 2)
Fuse Class RK5 Short-circuit current A/kA 50/5 90/5 125/5 200/5 250/5 300/5 300/10 300/10
Fuse Class Short-circuit current A/kA 70/100 110/100 150/100 175/100 175/100 175/100 300/100 300/100 3)
Rated voltage 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus) A600 -
1) Consider the max. thermal current the contactor K3-74A: Ith 130A
2) Consider the min. thermal current the contactor K3-74A: Ith 130A
2) Consider the min.1 230 VAC; Hz
Mechanická životnost napětí 106
10 5
napětí 106
10 5
Krátkodobý zkratový proud proud 360 504 592 680 880
Výkonová ztráta pól při AC3 400V 2. IEC 947-4-1
Contact welding without
hazard persons
fuse size from (gG) 125 160 160 160
to (gG) 100 100 160 160 200 200 250
Cable cross-sectionsCable cross-sectionsCable cross-sectionsCable cross-sectionsCable cross-sections
for contactors without thermal overload relay
1 cable per clamp
main connector solid stranded mm² 0,75 1,5 50
flexible mm² 2,5 35
flexible with multicore cable end mm² 0,75 1,5 35
2 cables per clamp top below
solid stranded mm² 6+(1-6) 4+(0,75-4) 16+(2,5-6) 10+(4-10) 50+4 35+6 25+(6-16) 0,5-95+10-120
2,5+(0,75-2,5)/1,5+(0,75-1,5) 6+(4-6) 4+(2,5-4) 16+(6-16) 10+(6-16)
flexible mm² 6+(1,5-6) 4+(1-4) 16+(2,5-6) 10+(4-10) 50+(4-10) 35+(4-16) 0,5-70+10-95
2,5+(0,75-2,5)/1,5+(0,75-1,5) 6+(4-6) 4+(2,5-4) 25+(4-25) 16+(4-16)
Cables per clamp 1+1
for main connector solid AWG 10
flexible AWG 0
Cables per clamp 1
top below
solid AWG 10+(16-10) 12+(18-12) 10+(16-10) 12+(18-12) 10+(12-10) 12+12 18-10 -
14+(18-14) 16+(18-16) 14+(18-14) 16+(18-16)
flexible AWG 10+(14-10) 12+(18-12) 4+(18-12) 6+(18-8) 1+(12-10) 2+(8-12) 18-3/0 8-4/0
14+(18-14) 16+(18-16) 8+(18-8) 10+(18-12) 3+(12-8) 4+(10-6)
Cables per clamp 1+1
Mechanical lifeMechanical lifeMechanical lifeMechanical lifeMechanical life
AC operated 106
10 5
DC operated 106
10 5
Short time currentShort time currentShort time currentShort time currentShort time current 10s-current 120 144 176 184 240 296 360 504 592 680 880
Power lossPower lossPower lossPower lossPower loss
per pole Ie
/AC3 400V 0,21 0,35 0,5 0,75 0,7 1,3 2,2 3,9 5,5 4,3 6,0
1) With reduced control voltage range 0,9 1,0 Us
and with reduced rated current Ie
/AC1according Ie
2) Maximum cable cross-section with prepared conductor
D385E 5
Capacitor Switching Contactors for North America
Data according UL508
Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus)Main Contacts (cULus) Type K3-18KK3-18KK3-18KK3-18KK3-18K K3-24KK3-24KK3-24KK3-24KK3-24K K3-32KK3-32KK3-32KK3-32KK3-32K K3-50KK3-50KK3-50KK3-50KK3-50K K3-62KK3-62KK3-62KK3-62KK3-62K K3-74KK3-74KK3-74KK3-74KK3-74K K3-90KK3-90KK3-90KK3-90KK3-90K K3-115KK3-115KK3-115KK3-115KK3-115K
Rated operational power
of 3-phase capacitor banks 110-120V kVAr 0-3,5 3-5,5 3-7 6,5-10 6,5-15 6,5-18 10-24 10-28 2)
at 60Hz (3ph) 200V kVAr 0-6 4,5-10 4,5-12,5 10-16,7 10-25 10-32 17-40 17-46 2)
220-240V kVAr 0-7 5,5-11 5,5-15 12,5-20 12,5-30 12,5-361) 20-47 20-56 2)
440-480V kVAr 0-15 11,5-25 11,5-30 25-40 25-60 25-72 40-95 40-114 2)
550-600V kVAr 0-18 14,5-30 14,5-35 31-50 31-75 31-90 50-120 50-143 2)
Fuse Class RK5 Short-circuit current A/kA 50/5 90/5 125/5 200/5 250/5 300/5 300/10 300/10
Fuse Class Short-circuit current A/kA 70/100 110/100 150/100 175/100 175/100 175/100 300/100 300/100 3)
Rated voltage 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus)Auxiliary Contacts (cULus) A600 -
1) Consider the max. cross-section conductor max.85 1.5 95
25 25) 16)
• Vodičů svorku 1
Hlavní obvody
• nebo vodič svorku plný vodič AWG 10
flexibilní AWG 0
• vodiče svorku horní dolní
plný vodič AWG (12 10) --
flexibilní AWG (12 10) 12) 0
3 (12 (10 6)
• Vodičů svorku 1
Napětí cívky
0.5 120
16 16) 16)
flexibilní mm² 10) 16) 0.TECHNICKÁ SPECIFIKACE
podle IEC 947-4-1, IEC 947-5-1, 60947-4-1, 60947-5-1, VDE 0660
Stykač Typ LA3K5044 LA3K6233 LA3K7433 LA3K9033 LA3K1133
Jmenovitý výkon kondenzátoru 230 50/60 kvar 50
400 50/60 kvar 33. load
3) Class and Class RK1
Data according IEC 947-4-1, 60947-4-1, VDE 0660
Main Contacts Type K3-10 K3-14 K3-18 K3-22 K3-24 K3-32 K3-40 K3-50 K3-62 K3-74 K3-90 K3-115
Rated insulation voltage Ui
V 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 1000 1000
Rated operational current Ie
) 110 120 130 160 200
at 40°C, open 690V
Maximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperature
Operation open -40 +60 (+90) 1)
enclosed -40 +40
Storage -50 +90
Short circuit protectionShort circuit protectionShort circuit protectionShort circuit protectionShort circuit protection
Coordination-type "1" acc. cross-section conductor max.2 3.3 80
(kategorie užití AC6b) 525 50/60 kvar 115
690 50/60 kvar 108 130
Pomocné kontakty montovatelné dodatečně čelně 1R/6A
1Z/3A 1Z/3A 1Z/3A 1Z/3A 1Z/3A
LA190100 LA190100 LA190100 LA190100 LA190100
1R/3A 1R/3A 1R/3A 1R/3A 1R/3A
LA190101 LA190101 LA190101 LA190101 LA190101
stranově 1Z+1R/3A 1Z+1R/3A 1Z+1R/3A 1Z+1R/3A 1Z+1R/3A
LA190134 LA190134 LA190134 LA190134 LA190134
Maximální spínací frekvence h–1 120 120 80
Elektrická životnost Počet 150000 150000 120000 120000 120000
jmenovitý proud při 50°C 108 115 144
při 60°C 108 130
Teplota okolí (90) (90) (90) (90) 1)
Normy IEC 947-4-1 60947-4-1 VDE 0660
Ochrana stykačů
bez tepelné relé před zkratem pojistka gL/gG 160 125 160 160 200 160 200 160 250
Připojovací průřezy
Stykač bez tepelného relé
• nebo vodič svorku plný vodič nebo slaněný mm² 50
flexibilní mm² 35
flexibilní vícežilový mm² 35
• vodiče svorku horní dolní
plný vodič nebo slaněný mm² 16) 0.9 5.5 4. IEC 947-4-1
Contact welding without
hazard persons
fuse size from (gG) 125 160 160 160
to (gG) 100 100 160 160 200 200 250
Cable cross-sectionsCable cross-sectionsCable cross-sectionsCable cross-sectionsCable cross-sections
for contactors without thermal overload relay
1 cable per clamp
main connector solid stranded mm² 0,75 1,5 50
flexible mm² 2,5 35
flexible with multicore cable end mm² 0,75 1,5 35
2 cables per clamp top below
solid stranded mm² 6+(1-6) 4+(0,75-4) 16+(2,5-6) 10+(4-10) 50+4 35+6 25+(6-16) 0,5-95+10-120
2,5+(0,75-2,5)/1,5+(0,75-1,5) 6+(4-6) 4+(2,5-4) 16+(6-16) 10+(6-16)
flexible mm² 6+(1,5-6) 4+(1-4) 16+(2,5-6) 10+(4-10) 50+(4-10) 35+(4-16) 0,5-70+10-95
2,5+(0,75-2,5)/1,5+(0,75-1,5) 6+(4-6) 4+(2,5-4) 25+(4-25) 16+(4-16)
Cables per clamp 1+1
for main connector solid AWG 10
flexible AWG 0
Cables per clamp 1
top below
solid AWG 10+(16-10) 12+(18-12) 10+(16-10) 12+(18-12) 10+(12-10) 12+12 18-10 -
14+(18-14) 16+(18-16) 14+(18-14) 16+(18-16)
flexible AWG 10+(14-10) 12+(18-12) 4+(18-12) 6+(18-8) 1+(12-10) 2+(8-12) 18-3/0 8-4/0
14+(18-14) 16+(18-16) 8+(18-8) 10+(18-12) 3+(12-8) 4+(10-6)
Cables per clamp 1+1
Mechanical lifeMechanical lifeMechanical lifeMechanical lifeMechanical life
AC operated 106
10 5
DC operated 106
10 5
Short time currentShort time currentShort time currentShort time currentShort time current 10s-current 120 144 176 184 240 296 360 504 592 680 880
Power lossPower lossPower lossPower lossPower loss
per pole Ie
/AC3 400V 0,21 0,35 0,5 0,75 0,7 1,3 2,2 3,9 5,5 4,3 6,0
1) With reduced control voltage range 0,9 1,0 Us
and with reduced rated current Ie
/AC1according Ie
2) Maximum cable cross-section with prepared conductor
. load
3) Class and Class RK1
Data according IEC 947-4-1, 60947-4-1, VDE 0660
Main Contacts Type K3-10 K3-14 K3-18 K3-22 K3-24 K3-32 K3-40 K3-50 K3-62 K3-74 K3-90 K3-115
Rated insulation voltage Ui
V 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 1000 1000
Rated operational current Ie
) 110 120 130 160 200
at 40°C, open 690V
Maximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperatureMaximum ambient temperature
Operation open -40 +60 (+90) 1)
enclosed -40 +40
Storage -50 +90
Short circuit protectionShort circuit protectionShort circuit protectionShort circuit protectionShort circuit protection
Coordination-type "1" acc.3 6