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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 93 z 203

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70 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0. identical cross- sections are used, this restriction does not apply. 503) • Stranded with cable lug mm² . 2.. 50 • Solid mm² 2.. IEC 60947; max.5)4); 2 (0.8 .2 7 . 16 • Stranded mm² . 6 lb. 1.5 ......5 . width 10 Without box terminal with cable lugs2) (1 conductors can connected) • Finely stranded with cable lug mm² . .. 1..5 .75 .. 14) NSB00479NSB00480NSB00481 © Siemens 2008 . . 2.. 10. 1.. 14)4); 12 • šrouby svorek M3 - utahovací moment 0.A. 2.... 70 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0. 1.75 . kvar 1) If bars larger than are connected, 3RT19 46-4EA1 terminal cover needed comply with the phase clearance.75 . 3RT16 27-.. identical cross- sections are used, this restriction does not apply.5) • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm2 2 (0. 1/0) • Terminal screw (hex. 16 • Stranded mm² Max.... 35 • plný vodič mm² Max.8 • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG .1 Size S00 S3 Conductor cross-sections Screw terminals (1 conductors can connected) Main conductors: with box terminal Screw terminals Front clamping point connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² 2.. 6 lb. 50 • flexibilní vodič 0.. 53 Connection for drilled copper bars1) Max. 70 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0....5 .5)4) acc..75 ..5 .....A.5)4); 2 (0.1 Size S00 S3 Conductor cross-sections Screw terminals (1 conductors can connected) Main conductors: with box terminal Screw terminals Front clamping point connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² 2. 2/0 Rear clamping point connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² 2... 16 • slaněný mm² .. 2. 70 • flexibilní vodič 0.5 .A... 14) NSB00479NSB00480NSB00481 © Siemens 2008 3RT, 3RH, 3TB, 3TC, 3TH, 3TK Contactors for Special Applications 3/119Siemens 2008 3 3RT16 Capacitor Contactors 12... 503) • Stranded with cable lug mm² .8 • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG . (0.. 35 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² Max.... 50 • plný vodič mm² 2.5)4) (0. 4) If two different conductor cross-sections are connected one clamping point, both cross-sections must lie the range specified. 1/0 plný vodič nebo slaněný Pomocné obvody: • plný mm² (0.5 . 2. 50 • Solid mm² 2..75 ....5)4) acc.. IEC 60947; max..5 . .... 2.75 .5 . 16 • Stranded mm² Max. 53 Connection for drilled copper bars1) .5 .75) acc.75) acc.. IEC 60947; max. 1/0) • Terminal screw (hex.8 • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG . 2/0 Obě sekce svorky jemně slaněný dutinkou mm² Max....5) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (24 . 2... wide..5 ... (0.25 ... socket, A/F 4) - utahovací moment .5)4) 0... 1....25 ... 50 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² . 14)4) ; 12 • Terminal screw M3 - tightening torque Nm lb.5 . socket, A/F 4) - tightening torque . Cable lug max.. 53 Connection for drilled copper bars1) Max. 35 svorky jemně slaněný bez dutinky mm² .75) acc.5) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (24 .5 . 3RT16 27-.75) podle IEC 60947; podle IEC 60947; max.5)4) ; 2 (0..5)4); (0. 50 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0.8 .25 .5 .5 .2 7 .. 1... 2. 50 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0. 35 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² . 2.5) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (24 ....1 Size S00 S3 Conductor cross-sections Screw terminals (1 conductors can connected) Main conductors: with box terminal Screw terminals Front clamping point connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² 2...75 0.5)4); 2 (0.. IEC 60947; max... IEC 60947; max. 50 • jemně slaněný bez dutinky mm² ..25 . 703) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG .5) • vodiče AWGs, AWG (24 .5) • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm2 2 (0.. 6 lb.25 . Contactor Type 3RT16 17-.8 • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG .25 . 14)4) ; 12 • Terminal screw M3 - tightening torque Nm lb.. 70 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0. 53 Připojení vrtaných pasů 1) Maximální šířka 10 Bez třemonových svorek kabelovými oky 2) • jemně slaněný kabelovými oky mm² ... 4) 2 (0.5)4) 0.. width 10 Without box terminal with cable lugs2) (1 conductors can connected) • Finely stranded with cable lug mm² .. 1. 1.. 2. 70 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0.... .....A. (0... 35 • Solid mm² Max... 4) • jemně slaněný dutinkou mm² (0.8) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (10 . 35 • jemně slaněný bez dutinky mm² Max.. 16)4) ; 2 (18 . 50 • Solid mm² 2.5)4) ; 2 (0..A.75 . 3) Only with crimped cable lugs according DIN 46234..A.8 . 2.25 ...5)4); 2 (0. 35 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² Max.. 1/0 Auxiliary conductors: • Solid mm² (0..5)4) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (20 ..... 50 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² ....5 .. 4) 2 (0.2 7 .. 16 • Stranded mm² .. 3RT16 27-. socket, A/F 4) - tightening torque .5)4) acc.75 ..5)4); 2 (0.5 .5)4) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (20 . 16 • Stranded mm² Max. 1/0 Auxiliary conductors: • Solid mm² (0. 2/0 Rear clamping point connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² 2.75 .. 16)4); plný vodič nebo slaněný (18 . 1.8) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (10 . wide.. 1/0 Auxiliary conductors: • Solid mm² (0... 2) When connecting conductors which are larger than mm2 , the 3RT19 46-4EA1 terminal cover must used keep the phase clearance.5)4) ; 2 (0. 503) (1 nebo vodiče) slaněný kabelovými oky mm² . 3RT16 47-.5 ... ..5 .8 • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG . 703) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG .. 2/0 Both clamping points connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² Max.. 4) • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² (0. 35 • Solid mm² Max. 35 • Solid mm² Max....... 4) • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² (0. identical cross- sections are used, this restriction does not apply.25 .5)4) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (20 .. 16 • slaněný mm² .. 1...... 4) 2 (0. 1... 2/0 Rear clamping point connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² 2. 1.5 .in 0..25 ...... 16 • slaněný mm² Max..5 .3 Cage Clamp terminals (1 conductors can connected) Auxiliary conductors: • Solid mm2 2 (0.. 2/0 Both clamping points connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² Max...5)4) • vodiče AWG, AWG (20 . wide.. 16 • Stranded mm² .... 16)4) ; 2 (18 ..5) • jemně slaněný dutinkou mm² (0. 16)4) ; 2 (18 . 50 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² . socket, A/F 4) - tightening torque .5) • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm2 (0.75 ...5 .A.25 .in 0. 10. 1. 3RT16 47-. 50 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0. 2) When connecting conductors which are larger than mm2 , the 3RT19 46-4EA1 terminal cover must used keep the phase clearance.3 Cage Clamp terminals (1 conductors can connected) Auxiliary conductors: • Solid mm2 2 (0......8 • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG .2 lb. 1..... 6 lb...... IEC 60947; max.8) (počet lamel šířka tlouštka) • vodiče AWG, AWG (10 ... 50 • plný vodič mm² 2.5) • jemně slaněný bez dutinky mm² (0. 4) • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² (0. 2.... 1. 1/0) • Terminal screw (hex.5 ..3 Bezšroubové svorky (na vyžádání)) Pomocné obvody: (1 nebo vodiče) plný mm² (0.25 . 503) • Stranded with cable lug mm² . 3RT16 47-. 2... 3) Only with crimped cable lugs according DIN 46234...5)4) ; 2 (0. 1. 1. kvar 1) If bars larger than are connected, 3RT19 46-4EA1 terminal cover needed comply with the phase clearance... 16 • Stranded mm² .75 . kvar 1) If bars larger than are connected, 3RT19 46-4EA1 terminal cover needed comply with the phase clearance. Contactor Type 3RT16 17-. 50 • Solid mm² 2.... 14)4) ; 12 • Terminal screw M3 - tightening torque Nm lb.. 14) NSB00479NSB00480NSB00481 © Siemens 2008 3RT, 3RH, 3TB, 3TC, 3TH, 3TK Contactors for Special Applications 3/119Siemens 2008 3 3RT16 Capacitor Contactors 12... 2/0 Both clamping points connected • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm² Max.A. 1..5)4) 0....25 ..... .5 .5) • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm2 (0. 35 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² Max... Cable lug max....5 .8) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG (10 .3 Cage Clamp terminals (1 conductors can connected) Auxiliary conductors: • Solid mm2 2 (0. 2...5 . 703) • vodiče AWG, AWG ... 703) • AWG cables, solid stranded AWG .. 10..8 . 1.. 1/0) plný vodič nebo slaněný • šrouby svorek (hex.. 4) If two different conductor cross-sections are connected one clamping point, both cross-sections must lie the range specified.. 3) Only with crimped cable lugs according DIN 46234.. 16 • Stranded mm² . Contactor Type 3RT16 17-.. width 10 Without box terminal with cable lugs2) (1 conductors can connected) • Finely stranded with cable lug mm² .5)4) 0.5 ...8 (počet lamel šířka tlouštka) • Slaněný nebo plný vodič AWG .5)4) ; 2 (0.5 .. 4) If two different conductor cross-sections are connected one clamping point, both cross-sections must lie the range specified...8 (počet lamel šířka tlouštka) • slanění nebo plný vodič AWG AWG . 70 • flexibilní vodič 0.5 .... 2.5 . (0. 50 • Solid mm² 2.... 16 • Stranded mm² .. . 2.... .. 10. 35 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² .. 4) max..5)4) ; 2 (0. 35 • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm² ..5 . 2... 2/0 Dolní sekce svorky jemně slaněný dutinkou mm² 2.5) • Finely stranded with end sleeve mm2 (0. 2) When connecting conductors which are larger than mm2 , the 3RT19 46-4EA1 terminal cover must used keep the phase clearance. Cable lug max.75 . 2...A. 50 • Solid mm² .TECHNICKÁ SPECIFIKACE strana 91 WSTYKAČE PRO KOMPENZACI LSK 12,5 KVAR Stykač Typ LSKD17B3 LSK03213 LSK36213 Velikost 3 Připojovací průřezy Šroubové svorky Hlavní obvody Šroubové svorky (1 nebo vodiče) třmenové svorky Horní sekce jemně slaněný dutinkou mm² 2.5) • Finely stranded without end sleeve mm2 2 (0... 2. 14) plný vodič nebo slaněný SD 1) Při připojení pasů rozměrech větších než potřeba použít kryt svorek (na vyžádání) 2) Při připojení vodičů průřezem větším jak mm2 potřeba použít kryt svorek 3) Pouze kabelovými oky maximální šířce mm 4) Pokud jsou použity dva vodiče různých průřezů musí oba průřezy být uvedeném rozsahu 3RT, 3RH, 3TB, 3TC, 3TH, 3TK Contactors for Special Applications 3/119Siemens 2008 3 3RT16 Capacitor Contactors 12.75 . 1.75 ...... 70 • Ribbon cable conductors (number width thickness) mm 0...75 .