Poznámky redaktora
.elkovo-cepelik. Müller Pharma Hradec Králové, Farmak (production pills) Kyjev,
Trepharm (filling ampoules) Priština, Medline Bánovce nad Bebravou
Administrative buildings, production facilities, schools, and shops:
Town hall Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Hennlich (offices, storage areas) Litoměřice and Opava, Resim (production technical inspec-
tion) Turnov, Inteva (production halls) Liberec, primary school (classrooms) Loukov, Obalplast (offices production) Smrčí,
Alnec (offices production) Mnichovo Hradiště, Aero Cinema (offices) Prague, University Chemistry and TEchnology (corri-
dors) Prague, High School for Machinery and Electrotechnical Industry and Technical College (classrooms, laboratories) Liberec,
Poprokan (shops with school and office accessories) three Plzeň, YMCA (changing rooms) Prague, Fire Rescue Service the
Czech Republic (operating centre) Zlín, COOP (shop) Zlín, Changroup (offices) Sokolov, Czech Post Office (cubicles common
space) Prague, Škoda Auto (production) factories Mladá Boleslav and Kvasiny, Benteler (production) Jablonec Nisou, Anděl
Palace Prague, Zenit (storage halls, offices) Prague
Sports halls:
Primary school (sports hall) Valašské Meziříčí, Police Sports Club Sever (two sports halls) Ústí nad Labem, primary school (sports
hall) Pardubice Polabiny
Germany, Norway, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Belgium, Finland, Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Holland, UK, United Arab Emirates, Iceland, Portugal, Georgia, France, Switzerland, etc.Appplications
Hospitals and doctor’s offices:
Dr. Pírek Clinic (orthopaedics and surgery operating theatres) Mladá Boleslav, IKEM (emergency department) Prague, Gemini
(ophthalmology clinic operating theatre) Prague, Dr. Nováková pediatric office Liberec, Liberec Hospital (operating theatres) -
Turnov, Thomayer Hospital (urology ward) Prague, Hrabůvka Health Centre (doctor’s offices, pharmacy) Ostrava, Cardiology in
Bulovka (catheterization rooms) Prague, ISCARE clinical centre (endoscopy room) Prague
Dental offices:
two Prague, two Ostrava, one Mladá Vožice, two Brno, one Terezín
Pharmaceutical industry and cleanrooms:
OPAVIA DELI factory Lovosice, Miconex Liberec, Dr.
8 ELKOVO Čepelík www