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A detailed description the EE807 hand- held transmitter can found the enclosed instructions.  Turn the delay time potentiometer (7) the desired position.g.5 mm2 Accessories IR configuration hand-held transmitter EE807 IR hand-held transmitter EE808 Correct Disposal this product (Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment) (Applicable the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems). During this time the status LED flashing green. Setting the delay time The delay time the period time set the motion detector which the shortest time that the lighting switched when the light level un- dershot and motion detected. 2. Adjusting the detection area If the detection area the detector too wide or covers areas that should not monitored, the adhesive strips provided can restrict the detection area required. Setting the response brightness The light level the brightness value saved in the motion detector; when this value undershot the connected load switched movements are detected. The delay time can be set between pulse (approx. After minutes test mode the device is automatically set the standard values (500 Lux/15 min). During this time the status LED flashing green. Commissioning with the configuration hand- held transmitter The commissioning can also carried out via the configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories). Operation hand-held transmitter The hand-held transmitter can used con- trol the lighting connected the motion detector, e. has detection angle 360°. Switches must not connected the PB portal slave mode. Commissioning with the configuration hand- held transmitter The commissioning can also carried out via the configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories).  Snap device module onto base.5 m, the diameter ground level approx.  Adjust the potentiometer delay time (7) suit the respective application case (additional information application cases available on the download page for the device). Sources interference, e. z 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m (4) (1) (8) (9) (2) (3) (5) (4) (6) (7) Hager Controls, BP10140, 67703 SAVERNE CEDEX, FRANCE 03 (10) (11) (7) L L L‘ N N PE PB L’ L N PB /S L (13) L’ PB/SL Ø mm X X N PE L N L PB L‘ Master Slave-1 N L PB L‘ max. Schéma zapojení uvedení provozu Zapojení proveďte dle obr. installation height 2. and approx. Testing the detection In test mode, the motion detector works with maximum light level motion detected, the load is switched for approx.  Adjust the potentiometer delay time (7) suit the respective application case (additional information application cases available on the download page for the device).  Attach cover (12). Master settings (Figure 1/2)  Setting the response brightness (6).  Connect motion detector according the con- necting diagram (Figure 6).. During this time the status LED flashing green.  Insert the two fixing springs (10) through the installation aperture while pressing upwards and allow them spring back. At installation height greater than 2. - will switched for the delay time move- ments are detected the detection area and the set light level undershot.. slave 10 motion caused ccordance with time move- tion area and Each detected me. Master settings (Figure 1/2)  Setting the response brightness (6).g.  Insert the two fixing springs (10) through the installation aperture while pressing upwards and allow them spring back. Slave settings (Figure  Set the potentiome to the position (  Adjust the potentio the respective app information app the download page Adjusting the detect If the detection area o covers areas that sho adhesive strips provid area required. mply with these installation in- ay result damage the device, azards. The device test mode.5 the detection area increases.  Turn the light level potentiometer (6) the desired position..  Carry out test moving the detection area. the same time, the detection sensitivity decreases.. seconds. The delay time can be set between pulse (approx. - will switched off additional movements are detected the detection area and the set delay time has elapsed the set light level is exceeded. A detailed description the EE807 hand- held transmitter can found the enclosed instructions. Commissioning The device warm-up phase after power is connected. on/off.  Setting the delay time (7).  used presence detector, the device must be installed that areas with less motion activ- ity (desk, seating area) are within the detection area (Figure 3). installation height 2. Additional information the master-slave configuration available the website the download page for the device. A detailed description the EE807 hand- held transmitter can found the enclosed instructions.  Insert the two fixing springs (10) through the installation aperture while pressing upwards and allow them spring back.g. Connecting and installing the built-in variant EER503 (Figure 8)  Establish installation opening mm.5 the same time, the a distinction is " and "trans- se the motion than motions ure 3). seconds. 20 cycles, the operating cycles decrease order to protect the connected load. DIN 4907) Product characteristics - Combination presence and motion detector with enhanced detection sensitivity the central presence-detection area - Light level adjustable - Delay time adjustable - Master-slave operation - Optional: Operation modes automatic/ semiautomatic are adjustable via configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories) Behaviour during operation The motion detector detects heat motion caused by people, animals, objects accordance with IEC 63180. This product should not mixed with other commercial . The diameter the detection area depends the in- stallation height.  Attach cover (12). and 2000 Lux (daytime operation/brightness-independent). and 2000 Lux (daytime operation/brightness-independent).  Screw security screw (9). Setting the delay time The delay time the period time set the motion detector which the shortest time that the lighting switched when the light level un- dershot and motion detected. 5 s min. After approx.waste.  Turn the light level potentiometer (6) the desired position.  Turn the light level potentiometer (6) the desired position. Slave settings (Figure 1/2)  Set the potentiometer response brightness (6) to the position (Figure 1/2). After approx. 8).  Configure settings. Motions transverse the motion be detected better than motions motion detector (Figure 3).  Configure settings. Commissioning The device warm-up phase after power is connected. Additional information the master-slave configuration available the website the download page for the device. To comply with the degree protection IP41 the device must completely installed and closed. available, install device socket flush-mounted box.  Avoid sources interference the detection area. z 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m (4) (1) (8) (9) (2) (3) (5) (4) (6) (7) Hager Controls, BP10140, 02 03 on detec- levatore casso on detec- d movimen- z y (4) (5) (10) (11) (12) (10) (6) (7) L L L‘ N N PE PB Ø X X N PE L N L PB L‘ Master Slave-1 N L PB L‘ max.  Set potentiometer delay time (7) minimal (left end stop) (Figure 1/2). Additional information the master-slave configuration available the website the download page for the device. Master-slave operation To extend the detection area, possible to connect additional devices (slave) parallel the master master/slave operation (Figure 6).  Close cover (8). seconds. To comply with the degree protection IP41 the device must completely installed and closed. Vibrations can cause undesired switching. Setting the delay time The delay time the period time set the motion detector which the shortest time that the lighting switched when the light level un- dershot and motion detected.  Configure settings.waste for disposal. Nemiřte čidlem slunce nebo jiné zdroje tepla, protože může nastat, nebude detekovat pohyb (obr.  Configure settings.  Snap device module onto base.  Close cover (8). Sources interference, e. Each detected movement restarts the delay time.5 m maximum installation height m Detection area motion (installation height 2. seconds. and 2000 Lux (daytime operation/brightness-independent).  Install device socket under the ceiling using the screw dowel set enclosed. Connecting and installing the built-in variant EER503 (Figure 8)  Establish installation opening mm. and 2000 Lux (daytime operation/brightness-independent).  Snap device module onto base. heating elements, ventilation systems, air conditioners and lamps that are cooling down can cause undesired switching (Figure 4).5 W Delay time, adjustable - Operation .  Configure settings. Při výšce instalace větší než 2,5 oblast detekce zvětš . installation height 2.  Screw security screw (9). Commissioning The device warm-up phase after power is connected. A detailed description the EE808 hand-held transmitter can found the corresponding instructions. the device set to slave mode, the status LED flashes alternat- ingly red and green and the relay open. 5 s min. Pokud zařízení nastaveno režimu slave, stavová LED bliká střídavě červeně a zeleně kontakt rozepnut. (up 45s). 2000 Lux - Factory setting 500 Lux Recommended installation height 2. Setting the delay time The delay time the period time set the motion detector which the shortest time that the lighting switched when the light level un- dershot and motion detected. The diameter the inner detection area with enhanced detection sensitivity (Figure 3). During this time the status LED flashing green.  Connect motion detector according the con- necting diagram (Figure 6).5 m, rox. Commissioning with the configuration hand- held transmitter The commissioning can also carried out via the configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories).  Setting the delay time (7). es interference the detection s interference, e. After approx. Setting the response brightness The light level the brightness value saved in the motion detector; when this value undershot the connected load switched movements are detected.  Set the potentiometer light level (6) the Test position (Figure 1/2).  used presence detector, the device must be installed that areas with less motion activ- ity (desk, seating area) are within the detection area (Figure 3). Zdroje rušení jako např. slave 10 nly installed and ectrician accord- lation standards, safety and accident country. The brightness threshold can set continuously between approx.  Avoid sources interference the detection area.  Set potentiometer delay time (7) minimal (left end stop) (Figure 1/2). To comply with the degree protection IP41 the device must completely installed and closed. 20 cycles, the operating cycles decrease order to protect the connected load. A detailed description the EE807 hand- held transmitter can found the enclosed instructions.  Close cover (8). on/off. After minutes test mode the device is automatically set the standard values (500 Lux/15 min). (up 45s).  Establish strain relief the corresponding mounting devices (11) with cable ties. Vibrations can cause undesired switching. The diameter the inner detection area with enhanced detection sensitivity (Figure 3). hed off additional movements in the detection area and the set as elapsed the set light level is for electricians and electrical connection ER! cal shock when live parts are ed! ctric shock can lead death! all power before working on vice and cover any live parts in ea! llation location ector must installed horizontally has detection angle 360°. Each detected movement restarts the delay time. Setting the delay time The delay time the period time set the motion detector which the shortest time that the lighting switched when the light level un- dershot and motion detected. Observe the motion orientation: distinction is made between "direct approach" and "trans- verse motion". Commissioning with the configuration hand- held transmitter The commissioning can also carried out via the configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories). Commissioning with the configuration hand- held transmitter The commissioning can also carried out via the configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories).  used presence detector, the device must be installed that areas with less motion activ- ity (desk, seating area) are within the detection area (Figure 3). During this time the status LED flashing green. 360° Cable length between first and last device max.  used presence detector, the device must be installed that areas with less motion activ- ity (desk, seating area) are within the detection area (Figure 3). Sources interference, e. Má detekční úhel 360°.  Screw security screw (9).5 m, the diameter ground level approx. Switches must not connected the PB portal slave mode.  Install device socket under the ceiling using the screw dowel set enclosed. Setting the response brightness The light level the brightness value saved in the motion detector; when this value undershot the connected load switched movements are detected. The delay time can be set between pulse (approx. - will switched for the delay time move- ments are detected the detection area and the set light level undershot. To comply with the degree protection IP41 the device must completely installed and closed. - will switched off additional movements are detected the detection area and the set delay time has elapsed the set light level is exceeded. tallation location that free of brations can cause undesired Connecting and installing the built-in variant EER503 (Figure 8)  Establish installation opening mm.g.. Motions transverse the motion detector can detected better than motions toward the motion detector (Figure 3). Information for electricians Installation and electrical connection DANGER! Electrical shock when live parts are touched! An electric shock can lead death! Isolate all power before working on the device and cover any live parts in the area! ç Selecting installation location The motion detector must installed horizontally on the ceiling.  Set the potentiometer light level (6) the Test position (Figure 1/2). Commissioning The device warm-up phase after power is connected. DIN 4907) racteristics on presence and motion detector nced detection sensitivity the esence-detection area adjustable e adjustable ave operation Operation modes automatic/ matic are adjustable via configuration transmitter (see Accessories) toward the motion detector (Figure 3). - will switched off additional movements are detected the detection area and the set delay time has elapsed the set light level is exceeded. Connecting and installing the surface-mounted variant EER513 (Figure 7)  Feed the connection cable through the cable entry cut-out (13). and approx. slave 10 Safety instructions Electrical equipment must only installed and assembled qualified electrician accord- ance with the relevant installation standards, regulations, directives and safety and accident prevention directives the country. seconds.  Set potentiometer delay time (7) minimal (left end stop) (Figure 1/2). installation height 2. Vibrations can cause undesired switching.5 the ea increases. installation height 2.r. on/off. and 2000 Lux (daytime operation/brightness-independent). Testing the detection In test mode, the motion detector works with maximum light level motion detected, the load is switched for approx. the device set to slave mode, the status LED flashes alternat- ingly red and green and the relay open.  Turn the delay time potentiometer (7) the desired position.. A detailed description the EE808 hand-held transmitter can found the corresponding instructions. 2). After minutes test mode the device is automatically set the standard values (500 Lux/15 min). on/off. and approx. Detektor pohybu musí být instalován vodorovně strop.g. Slave settings (Figure 1/2)  Set the potentiometer response brightness (6) to the position (Figure 1/2)., Pražská 238, 250 Zdiby, hager. Design and layout the device (Figure1/2/7) (1) Terminals (2) Security screw fixing point (3) Unlocking opening (4) Securing clips (5) Detector lens with integrated status LED red/green (6) Light level Potentiometer (7) Delay time Potentiometer (8) Potentiometer Cover (9) Security screw (10) Fixing springs (11) Strain relief with mounting device for cable ties (12) Terminal cover (13) Cable entry cut-out Function Correct use - automatic switching electric loads depending on heat motion and ambient brightness - EER503: Cavity installation - EER513: Surface-mounted installation or installation mounting boxes according to valid standard (e.g.  used presence detector, the device must be installed that areas with less motion activ- ity (desk, seating area) are within the detection area (Figure 3).  Snap device module onto base. Sources interference, e. (up 45s). Motions transverse the motion detector can detected better than motions toward the motion detector (Figure 3). and approx.g. Motions transverse the motion detector can detected better than motions toward the motion detector (Figure 3).  Turn the delay time potentiometer (7) the desired position. has detection angle 360°. +45 °C Storage/transport temperature -25 °C.g. The diameter the detection area depends the in- stallation height.5 . The brightness threshold can set continuously between approx. 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m Hager Controls, BP10140, 67703 SAVERNE CEDEX, FRANCE 02 03 (4) (5) (10) (11) (12) (10) (6) (7) L L L‘ N N PE PB L’ L N PB /S L (13) L’ PB/SL Ø mm X X N PE L N L PB L‘ Master Slave-1 N L PB L‘ max. Pohyby příčně detektoru pohybu lze detekovat lépe než pohyby směrem detektoru pohybu (obr. Commissioning The device warm-up phase after power is connected. The detection area depends the in- . Master-slave operation To extend the detection area, possible to connect additional devices (slave) parallel the master master/slave operation (Figure 6). These instructions are integral component of the product and must retained the end user.  Setting the delay time (7).  Avoid sources interference the detection area. Setting the response brightness The light level the brightness value saved in the motion detector; when this value undershot the connected load switched movements are detected. Sources interference, e. The delay time can be set between pulse (approx. - will switched for the delay time move- ments are detected the detection area and the set light level undershot.  Setting the delay time (7). Due its detection behaviour the device not suitable for use burglary detection alarm systems. Failure comply with these installation in- structions may result damage the device, fire other hazards. 5 s min. Operation hand-held transmitter The hand-held transmitter can used con- trol the lighting connected the motion detector, e. heating ir conditioners n can cause at free of undesired Connecting and installing the built-in variant EER503 (Figure 8)  Establish installation opening mm. Connecting and installing the built-in variant EER503 (Figure 8)  Establish installation opening mm.  Close cover (8). ection behaviour the device not se burglary detection alarm tions are integral component t and must retained the end d layout the device 7) screw fixing point opening clips lens with integrated status LED n el Potentiometer e Potentiometer meter Cover screw ings ef with mounting device for cable ties cover try cut-out switching electric loads depending tion and ambient brightness avity installation urface-mounted installation or on mounting boxes according to ard (e. (up 45s). on/off. nal movements ea and the set et light level is s connection ve parts are ad death! working on y live parts in ed horizontally gle 360°.  Insert the two fixing springs (10) through the installation aperture while pressing upwards and allow them spring back.  Attach cover (12). 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m (4) (1) (8) (9) (6) (7) 3 3 6 23CZ0006 Technické změny vyhrazeny.  Establish strain relief the corresponding mounting devices (11) with cable ties. Information for electricians Installation and electrical connection DANGER! Electrical shock when live parts are touched! An electric shock can lead death! Isolate all power before working on the device and cover any live parts in the area! ç Selecting installation location The motion detector must installed horizontally on the ceiling. Connecting and installing the surface-mounted variant EER513 (Figure 7)  Feed the connection cable through the cable entry cut-out (13). prevent possible harm the environment human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate this device from other types . The device test mode. At installation height greater than 2. Setting the delay time The delay time the period time set the motion detector which the shortest time that the lighting switched when the light level un- dershot and motion detected.  Close cover (8). The a with enhanced e 3).  Turn the delay time potentiometer (7) the desired position.  Connect motion detector according the con- necting diagram (Figure 6). Po připojení napájení zařízení fázi zahřívání. Each detected estarts the delay time. Sledujte orientaci pohybu: rozlišuje mezi „přímým přiblížením“ a „příčným pohybem“. Observe the motion orientation: distinction is made between "direct approach" and "trans- verse motion". During this time the status LED flashing green. Switches must not connected the PB portal slave mode.  Establish strain relief the corresponding mounting devices (11) with cable ties.  Install device socket under the ceiling using the screw dowel set enclosed. (až s). Connecting and installing the surface-mounted variant EER513 (Figure 7)  Feed the connection cable through the cable entry cut-out (13). the device set to slave mode, the status LED flashes alternat- ingly red and green and the relay open. (EER503/EER513).  Screw security screw (9). 3. Popis čidel pohybu EER503 EER513 jejich upenění 1 Svorkovnice 2 Upevňovací bod bezpečnostního šroubu 3 Otvor pro odjištění spony čidla 4 Zajišťovací spony 5 Čočka čidla integrovanou stavovou LED (červená zelená) 6 Potenciometr úrovně jasu 7 Potenciometr doby zpoždění 8 Kryt potenciometru 9 Bezpečnostní šroub  Upevňovací pružiny  Odlehčení tahu pro instalaci stahovací pásky  Kryt svorek  Výřez pro vstup kabelu Čidla pohybu přítomnosti Stropní čidla pohybu přítomnosti 02 03 (4) (5) (10) (11) (10) (6) (7) N PE L N L P L‘ Master 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m (4) (8) (9) (6) (7) Hager Controls, BP1014 02 03 (4) (5) (10) (11) (12) (10) (6) (7) L L L‘ N N PE PB X X N PE L N L PB L‘ Master Slave-1 N L PB L‘ max. slave čidlům pohybu nemohou být připojena externí tlačítka. available, install device socket flush-mounted box. A detailed description the EE808 hand-held transmitter can found the corresponding instructions. Testing the detection In test mode, the motion detector works with maximum light level motion detected, the load is switched for approx. The nner detection area with enhanced vity (Figure 3).  Turn the delay time potentiometer (7) the desired position.g.5 m, ground level approx.  Insert the two fixing springs (10) through the installation aperture while pressing upwards and allow them spring back. slave 10 ructions ipment must only installed and y qualified electrician accord- relevant installation standards, directives and safety and accident rectives the country.  Set potentiometer delay time (7) minimal (left end stop) (Figure 1/2).  Connect motion detector according the con- necting diagram (Figure 6). the same time, the detection sensitivity decreases. The device test mode. The delay time can be set between pulse (approx.  Turn the light level potentiometer (6) the desired position.  Configure settings. motion orientation: distinction is en "direct approach" and "trans- ". has detection angle 360°. heating elements, ventilation systems, air conditioners and lamps that are cooling down can cause undesired switching (Figure 4). Connecting and installing the surface-mounted variant EER513 (Figure 7)  Feed the connection cable through the cable entry cut-out (13). m Number slave devices per master max. This marking shown the product its literature indicates that should not disposed with other household waste the end its working life. After minutes test mode the device is automatically set the standard values (500 Lux/15 min).5 . otection IP41 nstalled and the device must ess motion activ- n the detection the detection . DIN 4907) acteristics n presence and motion detector ced detection sensitivity the sence-detection area adjustable adjustable ve operation peration modes automatic/ atic are adjustable via configuration ransmitter (see Accessories) Behaviour during operation The motion detector detects heat motion caused by people, animals, objects accordance with IEC 63180. (up 45s). 10 NO contact non-isolated with zero cross switching AC1, 230 V~ Upstream circuit breaker A Incandescent and halogen lamps 230 2000 W LED lamps/ Compact fluorescent lamps (400 W) Conventional transformers 1500 VA Electronic transformers 1500 W Fluorescent lamps - parallel compensated 1000 W/130 μF - with electronic ballast 1000 W Relative humidity (no condensation) 30°C, 90% Operating temperature .  Turn the delay time potentiometer (7) the desired position.  Select installation location that free of vibration. 5 s min. Slave settings (Fig  Set the potentio to the positi  Adjust the pote the respective a information a the download p Adjusting the det If the detection are covers areas that s adhesive strips pro area required. the device set to slave mode, the status LED flashes alternat- ingly red and green and the relay open. the same time, the detection sensitivity decreases.5 the detection area increases. Zároveň snižuje citlivost detekce.o.  Connect device according connection dia- gram (Figure 5).  Attach cover (12).  Select installation location that free of vibration. available, install device socket flush-mounted box.  Establish strain relief the corresponding mounting devices (11) with cable ties.g. After minutes test mode the device is automatically set the standard values (500 Lux/15 min). Master settings (Figure 1/2)  Setting the response brightness (6). The diameter the inner detection area with enhanced detection sensitivity (Figure 3). 5 s min. heating elements, ventilation systems, air conditioners and lamps that are cooling down can cause undesired switching (Figure 4).  Connect device according connection dia- gram (Figure 5). and approx. Additional information the master-slave configuration available the website the download page for the device. th the degree protection IP41 ust completely installed and presence detector, the device must so that areas with less motion activ- ating area) are within the detection 3). If the motion detector switches without mo- tion the detection area, then sources inter- ference are present (see Installation location). 2).5 m, the diameter ground level approx. - will switched for the delay time move- ments are detected the detection area and the set light level undershot.  Screw security screw (9).  Carry out test moving the detection area. Switches must not connected the PB portal slave mode.  Install device socket under the ceiling using the screw dowel set enclosed. Connecting and installing the built-in variant EER503 (Figure 8)  Establish installation opening mm.  Set potentiometer delay time (7) minimal (left end stop) (Figure 1/2). Vibrations can cause undesired switching. After minutes test mode the device is automatically set the standard values (500 Lux/15 min). If the motion detector switches without mo- tion the detection area, then sources inter- ference are present (see Installation location).9 mm Dimensions EER513 105 59. The device test mode. If the motion detector switches without mo- tion the detection area, then sources inter- ference are present (see Installation location).5 m, the diameter ground level approx.  Avoid sources interference the detection area. Vibrations can cause undesired switching. Master settings (Figure 1/2)  Setting the response brightness (6).  Set the potentiometer light level (6) the Test position (Figure 1/2). Setting the response brightness The light level the brightness value saved in the motion detector; when this value undershot the connected load switched movements portal in Master settin  Setting th  Setting th 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m (4) (1) (8) (9) (2) (6) (7) 1 2 7 8 Hager Controls, BP10140, 677 02 03 detec- atore sso detec- vimen- z y (4) (5) (10) (11) (12) (10) (6) (7) L L L‘ N N PE PB (1 Ø 6 X X N PE L N L PB L‘ Master Slave-1 N L PB L‘ max.  Set the potentiometer light level (6) the Test position (Figure 1/2). the same time, the nsitivity decreases. tion height greater than 2. min - Test mode, pulse s - Factory setting min Light Level adjustable .  Snap device module onto base.. Master settings (Figure 1/2)  Setting the response brightness (6). Recycle the device responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse material resources. The diameter the detection area depends the in- stallation height.  Carry out test moving the detection area. Průměr detekční oblasti závisí výšce instalace.g. z 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m (4) (1) (8) (9) 2) (6) (7) (10) (11) (12) (6) (7) L L L‘ N N PE PB L’ L N PB /S L (13) L’ PB/SL Ø mm X X L N L PB L‘ Master Slave-1 N L PB L‘ max. Setting the response brightness The light level the brightness value saved in the motion detector; when this value undershot the connected load switched movements are detected. the same time, the detection sensitivity decreases. Testing the detection In test mode, the motion detector works with maximum light level motion detected, the load is switched for approx. Master-slave operation To extend the detection area, possible to connect additional devices (slave) parallel the master master/slave operation (Figure 6). If the motion detector switches without mo- tion the detection area, then sources inter- ference are present (see Installation location).5 m) transversely detector m Towards detector m Detection area presence (installation height 2.  Attach cover (12).  Connect device according connection dia- gram (Figure 5).  Set the potentiometer light level (6) the Test position (Figure 1/2). Slave settings (Figure 1/2)  Set the potentiometer response brightness (6) to the position (Figure 1/2). After approx. slave 10 ng operation ector detects heat motion caused als, objects accordance with hed for the delay time move- etected the detection area and evel undershot.  Attach cover (12).  Configure settings. The brightness threshold can set continuously between approx.  Close cover (8). Information for electricians Installation and electrical connection DANGER! Electrical shock when live parts are touched! An electric shock can lead death! Isolate all power before working on the device and cover any live parts in the area! ç Selecting installation location The motion detector must installed horizontally on the ceiling. and 2000 Lux (daytime operation/brightness-independent). These instructions are integral component of the product and must retained the end user. slave čidlech nestavte potenciometer pro jas polohy SL.g. Operation hand-held transmitter The hand-held transmitter can used con- trol the lighting connected the motion detector, e.  Turn the light level potentiometer (6) the desired position. available, install device socket flush-mounted box. 20 cycles, the operating cycles decrease order to protect the connected load. After approx. The ends the in- height 2. Appendix Technical data Supply voltage 230 V~, +10%/-15% 240 V~, +6/-6% Frequency 50/60 Hz Power consumption without load <0.. on/off. 20 cycles, the operating cycles decrease order to protect the connected load. Switches must not connected the PB portal slave mode. Adjusting the detection area If the detection area the detector too wide or covers areas that should not monitored, the adhesive strips provided can restrict the detection area required.  Connect device according connection dia- gram (Figure 5).  Setting the delay time (7). available, install device socket flush-mounted box.5 the detection area increases. Connecting and installing the surface-mounted variant EER513 (Figure 7)  Feed the connection cable through the cable entry cut-out (13).  Connect device according connection dia- gram (Figure 5). Commissioning The device warm-up phase after power is connected. Motions transverse the motion detector can detected better than motions toward the motion detector (Figure 3). Adjusting the detection area If the detection area the detector too wide or covers areas that should not monitored, the adhesive strips provided can restrict the detection area required. The device test mode. The diameter the inner detection area with enhanced detection sensitivity (Figure 3). The device test mode.  Adjust the potentiometer delay time (7) suit the respective application case (additional information application cases available on the download page for the device). Commissioning with the configuration hand- held transmitter The commissioning can also carried out via the configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories). 20 cycles, the operating cycles decrease order to protect the connected load. Additional information the master-slave configuration available the website the download page for the device. Additional information the master-slave configuration available the website the download page for the device. heating elements, ventilation systems, air conditioners and lamps that are cooling down can cause undesired switching (Figure 4).  Set the potentiometer light level (6) the Test position (Figure 1/2). Master settings (Figure 1/2)  Setting the response brightness (6).  Avoid sources interference the detection area. heating elements, ventilation systems, air conditioners and lamps that are cooling down can cause undesired switching (Figure 4).  Install device socket under the ceiling using the screw dowel set enclosed.  Configure settings. (up 45s). Switches must not connected the PB portal slave mode. available, install device socket flush-mounted box.  Configure settings. protect the connected load. Při montážní výšce 2,5 průměr úrovni země cca.  Screw security screw (9). Průměr vnitřní detekční oblasti se zvýšenou citlivostí detekce (obr. 1). than 2.  Configure settings. Information for electricians Installation and electrical connection DANGER! Electrical shock when live parts are touched! An electric shock can lead death! Isolate all power before working on the device and cover any live parts in the area! ç Selecting installation location The motion detector must installed horizontally on the ceiling.  Set the potentiometer light level (6) the Test position (Figure 1/2). seconds. At installation height greater than 2. Operation hand-held transmitter The hand-held transmitter can used con- trol the lighting connected the motion detector, e.  Configure settings. and approx.  Connect motion detector according the con- necting diagram (Figure 6). After minutes test mode the device is automatically set the standard values (500 Lux/15 min).  Carry out test moving the detection area. The device test mode. Failure comply with these installation in- structions may result damage the device, fire other hazards. has detection angle 360°. A detailed description the EE807 hand- held transmitter can found the enclosed instructions. Each detected movement restarts the delay time. A detailed description the EE807 hand- held transmitter can found the enclosed instructions.  Install device socket under the ceiling using the screw dowel set enclosed. Observe the motion orientation: distinction is made between "direct approach" and "trans- verse motion". heating ntilation systems, air conditioners at are cooling down can cause witching (Figure 4).g.  Insert the two fixing springs (10) through the installation aperture while pressing upwards and allow them spring back. DIN 4907) Product characteristics - Combination presence and motion detector with enhanced detection sensitivity the central presence-detection area - Light level adjustable - Delay time adjustable - Master-slave operation - Optional: Operation modes automatic/ semiautomatic are adjustable via configuration hand-held transmitter (see Accessories) Behaviour during operation The motion detector detects heat motion caused by people, animals, objects accordance with IEC 63180. If the motion detector switches without mo- tion the detection area, then sources inter- ference are present (see Installation location). slave 10 Safety instructions Electrical equipment must only installed and assembled qualified electrician accord- ance with the relevant installation standards, regulations, directives and safety and accident prevention directives the country. Testing the detection In test mode, the motion detector works with maximum light level motion detected, the load is switched for approx.  Set potentiometer delay time (7) minimal (left end stop) (Figure 1/2). Setting the response brightness The light level the brightness value saved in the motion detector; when this value undershot the connected load switched movements are detected. Během této doby bliká stavová LED zeleně. Testing the detection In test mode, the motion detector works with maximum light level motion detected, the load is switched for approx. Observe the motion orientation: distinction is made between "direct approach" and "trans- verse motion". A detailed description the EE808 hand-held transmitter can found the corresponding instructions.  Carry out test moving the detection area.  Snap device module onto base. Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions the purchase contract.  Select installation location that free of vibration. If the motion detector switches without mo- tion the detection area, then sources inter- ference are present (see Installation location).  Select installation location that free of vibration.  Set potentiometer delay time (7) minimal (left end stop) (Figure 1/2).g.. radiátory, ventilační nebo klimatizační systémy mohou vést k nechtěnému spínání. Zapojení lze rozšířit slave čidel pohybu pro zvýšení detekční oblasti (obr. If the motion detector switches without mo- tion the detection area, then sources inter- ference are present (see Installation location).5 m Detection angle approx.5 the detection area increases. The diameter the detection area depends the in- stallation height. A detailed description the EE808 hand-held transmitter can found the corresponding instructions.  Turn the light level potentiometer (6) the desired position. Operation hand-held transmitter The hand-held transmitter can used con- trol the lighting connected the motion detector, e. Master-slave operation To extend the detection area, possible to connect additional devices (slave) parallel the master master/slave operation (Figure 6). the device set to slave mode, the status LED flashes alternat- ingly red and green and the relay open. Operation hand-held transmitter The hand-held transmitter can used con- trol the lighting connected the motion detector, e. the device set to slave mode, the status LED flashes alternat- ingly red and green and the relay open. +70 °C Degree protection IP41 Protection class II Impact resistance 04 Operating altitude 2000 m Dimensions EER503 75.7 mm Connection cross-section - plug-in terminals, 0. z Append Technic Supply volt Frequency Power con Delay time - Operation - Test mod - Factory s Light Level - Factory s Recommen maximum i Detection a transverse Towards de Detection a (installation Detection a Cable leng first and las Number of NO contac zero cross Upstream c Incandesce LED lamps Compact fl Convention Electronic Fluorescen - parallel c - with elect Relative hu Operating Storage/tra Degree of Protection Impact res Operating Dimension Dimension Connection - plug-i - Recomme Accesso IR configur IR hand-he This marking indicates tha household w possible har uncontrolled from other ty to promote t Household u they purchas fice, for deta for environm Business us the terms an product shou for disposal. installation in- mage the device, ur the device not detection alarm tegral component retained the end he device nt ated status LED device for cable ties tric loads depending nt brightness n installation or xes according to 07) nd motion detector ensitivity the area automatic/ e via configuration ccessories) Behaviour during operation The motion detector detects heat motion caused by people, animals, objects accordance with IEC 63180. The brightness threshold can set continuously between approx. případě potřeby lze dodatečně spínat čidlo pohybu pomocí externího tlačítka, připojeného svorce PB a napájeného shodné fáze jako čidlo pohybu.g.  Select installation location that free of vibration.  Configure settings.  Establish strain relief the corresponding mounting devices (11) with cable ties. Master-slave operation To extend the detection area, possible to connect additional devices (slave) parallel the master master/slave operation (Figure 6). Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product, their local government of- fice, for details where and how they can take this device for environmentally safe recycling.g. Hager Electro s.  Carry out test moving the detection area. Connecting and installing the surface-mounted variant EER513 (Figure 7)  Feed the connection cable through the cable entry cut-out (13).Umístění detekční oblasti Je třeba vyhnout zdrojům rušení oblasti detekce.. 5 s min. Design and layout the device (Figure1/2/7) (1) Terminals (2) Security screw fixing point (3) Unlocking opening (4) Securing clips (5) Detector lens with integrated status LED red/green (6) Light level Potentiometer (7) Delay time Potentiometer (8) Potentiometer Cover (9) Security screw (10) Fixing springs (11) Strain relief with mounting device for cable ties (12) Terminal cover (13) Cable entry cut-out Function Correct use - automatic switching electric loads depending on heat motion and ambient brightness - EER503: Cavity installation - EER513: Surface-mounted installation or installation mounting boxes according to valid standard (e.5 mm² - Recommended conductor cross-section 1. A detailed description the EE808 hand-held transmitter can found the corresponding instructions. Each detected movement restarts the delay time. Append Technic Supply vol Frequency Power con Delay time - Operation - Test mod - Factory s Light Leve - Factory s Recommen maximum Detection a transverse Towards de Detection a (installation Detection a Cable leng first and la Number of NO contac zero cross Upstream Incandesce LED lamps Compact fl Convention Electronic Fluorescen - parallel c - with elect Relative hu Operating Storage/tra Degree of Protection Impact res Operating Dimension Dimension Connection - plug-i - Recomme Accesso IR configur IR hand-he This marking indicates tha household w possible har uncontrolled from other ty to promote t Household u they purchas fice, for deta for environm 5 m 5 m 1 m 2,5 m 10 m 02 03 (4) (5) (10) (11) (12) (10) (6) (7) L N PE N PE L N L P L‘ Master Cavity installation Surface-mounted installation or n mounting boxes according to dard (e.  Carry out test moving the detection area. Master-slave operation To extend the detection area, possible to connect additional devices (slave) parallel the master master/slave operation (Figure 6). The brightness threshold can set continuously between approx. The delay time can be set between pulse (approx. Due its detection behaviour the device not suitable for use burglary detection alarm systems. The brightness threshold can set continuously between approx. Slave settings (F  Set the poten to the pos  Adjust the po the respective information o the download Adjusting the d If the detection a covers areas tha adhesive strips p area required. At installation height greater than 2.g. After approx. 20 cycles, the operating cycles decrease order to protect the connected load.  Setting the delay time (7). - will switched off additional movements are detected the detection area and the set delay time has elapsed the set light level is exceeded..  Connect device according connection dia- gram (Figure 5)..  Connect motion detector according the con- necting diagram (Figure 6).  Establish strain relief the corresponding mounting devices (11) with cable ties. To comply with the degree protection IP41 the device must completely installed and closed