3. 2018-115B
Data communication cable, Category 7
INTELEK spol.1)
Technical report
EC Cabling product ID
CS valid until
FORCE Technology-T822532-02, DANAK-19/18829
29 January 2019
*Transmission parameters comply with extended Cat. Certificate No.0)
IEC 61156-5:2012 (Ed.
Ericha Roučky 1291/4
627 Brno
Czech Republic
Product description
Screened cable (U/FTP) characterised 500 MHz
Horizontal floor wiring cable, 100 Ω
4 individually foil screened twisted pairs
Flame retardant, halogen free
Product identification
26000025 Installation Cable Solarix CAT6A STP LSOH 500m/reel SXKD-6A-STP-LSOH
26000036 Installation Cable Solarix CAT6A STP LSOHFR 500m/reel SXKD-6A-STP-LSOHFR-B2ca
Generic cabling and cabling components standards Category 6A
cable requirements
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 (Ed. r.1) IEC 60332-1-2:2015 (Ed.1) IEC 61034-2:2013 (Ed.
PROD Reg. The product takes part maintenance schedule,
which implies that FORCE Technology performs quality audit the manufacturer's production and sites. +45 00
This certificate was first issued 2017-12-18 and will remain valid long neither the harmonised
standard, the construction product, the AVCP methods, nor the manufacturing conditions the plant are
modified significantly, unless suspended withdrawn FORCE Certification A/S. 1. The product takes part
in maintenance schedule, which implies that FORCE Technology performs quality audit the manufacturer's production
and sites.1)
EN 50173-1:2011
EN 50173-2:2007 including amendment A1:2010
EN 50288-4-1:2013
Standards for flammability, halogen acidity, and smoke performance
IEC 60332-1-1:2015 (Ed. 7020
FORCE Certification A/S Park Allé 345 2605 Brøndby Denmark Tel +45 7177 Fax +45 cert@force-cert. The maintenance testing the product performed sample basis. r.
Ericha Roučky 1291/4
627 Brno
Czech Republic
and produced the manufacturing plant(s):
Hørsholm, May 2017
Lars Lindskov Pedersen
Dennis Andersen
Test Manager
Head Department
Venlighedsvej 4
2970 Hørsholm
Tel. 1.o
Manufacturing plant 01
This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification constancy of
performance described the Annex the standard:
EN 50575:2014 A1:2016
under system for the performance set out this certificate are applied and that the factory production
control conducted the manufacturer assessed ensure the constancy performance the
construction product. 3.dk www.2)
IEC 60603-7-51:2010
EN 50173-1:2011
EN 50173-2:2007 including amendment A1:2010
ANSI/TIA-568-C.o. nr. 2. Proto necháváme produkty solarix pravidelně testovat
u nezávislých laboratoří.o. limits 1000 MHz.1)
Technical report
EC Cabling product ID
CS valid until
FORCE Technology-T822532-01, DANAK-19/18828
29 January 2019
This product has been tested FORCE Technology and complies with the requirements the above specified standards and
"Terms and conditions for the VERIFIED programme for Generic and Coaxial Cabling”, DQP231006.madebydelta. r.0)
IEC 61034-1:2013 (Ed.
This certificate was first issued 2017-12-18 and will remain valid long neither the harmonised
standard, the construction product, the AVCP methods, nor the manufacturing conditions the plant are
modified significantly, unless suspended withdrawn FORCE Certification A/S.o.
Hørsholm, January 2018
Lars Lindskov Pedersen
Dennis Andersen
Test Manager
Head Department
PROD Reg.madebydelta.: 03461. 2018-114
Data communication cable, Category 6A
INTELEK spol. r.2:2009
Standards for flammability, halogen acidity, and smoke performance
IEC 60332-1-1:2015 (Ed.2:2009
IEC 60512-99-001:2012 (Ed.: SXKD-6A-STP-
Supply electricity and
communication inside
buildings and other civil
engineering works with the
objective limiting the
generation and spread fire
and smoke
B2ca-s1a,d1,a1 1+
placed the market under the name trade mark of:
Date issue: 2017-12-18
Date expiry: 2020-12-18
Dennis Andersen
Certification manager
Any printout this document regarded copy the original document
Extracts from this Product Certificate may only reproduced with written permission from FORCE Certification A/S
including all connector alien crosstalk parameters (PS ANEXT and AFEXT)
Technical report
EC Cabling product ID
CS valid until
DELTA-T728078, DANAK-19/17803
11 May 2018
This product has been tested DELTA Cabling Group and complies with the electrical requirements the above
specified standards and "Terms and conditions for the VERIFIED programme for Generic and Coaxial Cabling”,
DQP231006. +45 00
Vlárská 953/22
Brno 627 00
Czech Republic
Product description
Screened Category RJ45 Jack Panel characterised 500 MHz, 100 Ω
Product identification
Screened Category RJ45 Jack.
FORCE Certification A/S task No. 3.ROZVADĚČE
Co Solarix
Certifikáty solarix
Uvědomujeme důležitost pravidelné kontroly kvality komponentů
a kabelů strukturované kabeláže, které zákazníci používají ve
svých sítích.: SXKD-7A-1200-
Installation Cable Solarix
B2ca a1
Part no. 1.0), ISO/IEC 11801-2:2017 (Ed.1) IEC 61034-2:2013 (Ed. 1. r.: 0200-CPR–03461 version 01
Issued FORCE Certification A/S EC-notified body number 0200
In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU the European Parliament and the Council March
2011 (the Construction Products Regulation CPR), this certificate applies the construction product:
Power, control and communication cables
Intended use
AVCP system
Installation Cable Solarix
B2ca a1
Part no.
25286902 10G Keystone Solarix CAT6A STP RJ45 Toolless SXKJ-10G-STP-BK-SA,
25286903 10G Keystone Solarix CAT6A STP RJ45 SXKJ-10G-STP-BK-NA
Generic cabling and cabling components standards Category connector requirements
ISO/IEC 11801:2011 (Ed. 2017-425
Connecting Hardware, Category 6A
Including Power over Ethernet Plus
(Mating and un-mating connectors under electrical load)
Certifikáty vydávané těmito testovacími autoritami jsou důležitou
součástí produktové podpory systému solarix neboť zákazníkům
garantují spolehlivost bezproblémovost našich produktů.: 117-37585.1)
EN 50173-1:2011
EN 50173-2:2007 including amendment A1:2010
EN 50288-10-1:2012
ANSI/TIA-568-C. The product takes part maintenance certification schedule, which implies that DELTA
EC Cabling performs quality audit the manufacturer's production and sites.dk
Certificate constancy performance
Regulation for Construction Products
Certificate No.com
Compliance Statement
Supply electricity and
communication inside
buildings and other civil
engineering works with the
objective limiting the
generation and spread fire
and smoke
placed the market under the name trade mark of:
INTELEK spol. 2.
Date issue: 2017-12-18
Date expiry: 2020-12-18
Dennis Andersen
Certification manager
Any printout this document regarded copy the original document
Extracts from this Product Certificate may only reproduced with written permission from FORCE Certification A/S
DELTA part FORCE Technology
Venlighedsvej 4
Tel.o. 1. 2. Certificate No.force-cert. This Compliance Statement has been revised.0), ISO/IEC 11801-2:2017 (Ed.: 0200-CPR–03460 version 01
Issued FORCE Certification A/S EC-notified body number 0200
In compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU the European Parliament and the Council March
2011 (the Construction Products Regulation CPR), this certificate applies the construction product:
Power, control and communication cables
Product Intended use Class AVCP system
Installation Cable Solarix
B2ca s1a a1
Part no. 3.force-cert. +45 00
2970 Hørsholm
Fax +45 01
www. r.com
Compliance Statement
No. nr. 2. The testing included measurement NEXT with compliant test plug and calculation all the test cases
in both measurement directions. 1.0)
IEC 61156-5:2012 (Ed.com/cable
Compliance Statement
No.: 117-37585. 1.0)
IEC 61034-1:2013 (Ed.0) IEC 60754-2:2011 (Ed. 3. 2.dk www.madebydelta.0) IEC 60754-2:2011 (Ed. This product has been tested FORCE
Technology and complies with the requirements the above specified standards and "Terms and conditions for the EC
VERIFIED programme for Generic and Coaxial Cabling”, DQP231006.1) IEC 60332-1-2:2015 (Ed.
Ericha Roučky 1291/4
627 Brno
Czech Republic
and produced the manufacturing plant(s):
Ericha Roučky 1291/4
627 Brno
Czech Republic
Product description
Screened cable (S/FTP) characterised 1000 MHz*
Horizontal floor wiring cable, 100 Ω
4 and 2×4 individually foil screened twisted pairs with overall braid screen
Flame retardant, halogen free
Product identification
27000007 Installation Cable Solarix CAT7 SSTP LSOH 500m/reel SXKD-7-SSTP-LSOH
27000010 Installation Cable Solarix CAT7 SSTP LSOHFR 500m/reel SXKD-7-SSTP-LSOHFR-B2ca
Generic cabling and cabling components standards Category cable requirements
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 (Ed.dk
Certificate constancy performance
Regulation for Construction Products
Certificate No.
Hørsholm, January 2018
Lars Lindskov Pedersen
Dennis Andersen
Test Manager
Head Department
Venlighedsvej 4
2970 Hørsholm
Tel. 1.1)
IEC 60754-1:2011 (Ed. The maintenance testing the product
is performed sample basis once year. 1.o
Manufacturing plant 01
This certificate attests that all provisions concerning the assessment and verification constancy of
performance described the Annex the standard:
EN 50575:2014 A1:2016
under system for the performance set out this certificate are applied and that the factory production
control conducted the manufacturer assessed ensure the constancy performance the
construction product.
FORCE Certification A/S task No.: 03460. r.1)
IEC 60754-1:2011 (Ed. The
maintenance testing the product performed sample basis. 3. 7020
Certification A/S Park Allé 345 2605 Brøndby Denmark Tel +45 7177 Fax +45 cert@force-cert