Site acceptance testing by nkt cables Member of the NKT Group for all high voltage cables

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nkt cables test cables and accessories in their ownfactory, and all tests are conducted in accordance withcustomer specifications and international standards. nktcables can test both DC and AC voltage areas.nkt cables’ test trailers also allow performing on-site testing.nkt cables is able to use both types of test facilities in doingparallel tests of long-length cable systems.

Vydal: nkt cables s.r.o. Autor: nkt cables

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200 square mm copper cable with joints and terminations. If you have questions about the testing please contact us. September 2012 the last cable of the first circuit having length more than km – was successfully tested for one hour according IEC 62067 and with test power 260 kV. nkt cables able use both types test facilities doing parallel tests long-length cable systems.Testing factory Testing site Testing production sites and locally: nkt cables can provide both nkt cables test cables and accessories their own factory, and all tests are conducted accordance with customer specifications and international standards. The underground cable link crosses several railway lines, highways, dikes, sports facilities and roads, horizontal drillings, the longest of which 530 and the deepest m. Each these horizontal drillings has length 250 m. Also included was the partial discharge measurement, which showed no abnormalities, thus confirming the good installation job done nkt cables’ fitter team. The 380 link with its two double systems consists 132 2,500 square copper cable, 132 joints and terminations. Four test trailers were necessary for the high voltage test reach the test voltage according to IEC 63067 374 hour. Test trailers for high voltage tests were installed the Afrati substation. Most of the site the island Evia, which situated close to the mainland, area one-hour distance by car north Athens. Site acceptance testing for the customer: TenneT TSO . The Randstad380 Zuidring link will put into operation the first quarter 2013 after the overhead part the link has been finished. nkt cables’ test trailers also allow performing on-site testing. • Mobile testing long-length cables • Independence from testing institutes availability external capacity • Flexible time and operations scheduling • Optimising and completing high-voltage cable production and delivery • Type testing for the development new high voltage cables and accessories Benefits the test trailers: Site acceptance testing for our customers g Project Greece Project the Netherlands In April 2011 nkt cables started the construction work the almost underground section the Randstad380 Zuidring cable link near Delft the Netherlands. The order was install two circuits with approx. Admie SA/Former PPC Greece Public Power Cooperation The 400 underground power cable project a connection between Afrati and Avlida Greece, near the city Chalkis, connect the new power plant Aliveri with the area north Athens. The distance between the parallel cables separate drilling tubes only October 2012 the cable link was tested. The system successfully passed both the high voltage test and the partial discharge measurement. nkt cables can test both and voltage areas. There also connection between the mainland and the island through horizontal drillings under the sea