SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 739 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
Humic acids- and corrosion-resistant. Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM2 7-25 10,0 28,5Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM2 7-25 10,0 28,5 LI229268 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. IP68 CONNECTION BOX FDM2, 4-pole Cable Length Description Item no. Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM1 5-14 7,2 16,0Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM1 5-14 7,2 16,0 LI229269 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. Completely proof against water intake IP68. 500V max. Can opened and re-used any time. 2,5 mm2 8–17 6–13 6–12 . Can applied for open air, funnel and soil installations. 0,21 IP68 5-14 1KV max. 0,36 IP68 6-13 400V max. IP68 CONNECTION BOX FDM1, 4-pole Cable Length Description Item no. Connection Box IP68 6-13 4,1 10,0Connection Box IP68 6-13 4,1 10,0 LI228724 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. IP68 CONNECTION BOX, 3-pole Cable Length Description Item no. 0,11 IP68 6-11 17,5A max. Connection Box IP68, 3-pole 6-12 2,7 11,5 LI228730 Connection Box IP68, 5-pole 8-17 3,2 13,0 LI228725 0,2 IP68 IP68 CONNECTION BOX Cable Length Width HeightCable Length Width Height Description Item no. Completely proof against water intake IP68.Description Item no. Connection Box IP68 6-11 11,0 6,4 3,0 LI228726 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. Can applied for open air, funnel and soil installations. Humic acids- and corrosion-resistant. 0,42 IP68 7-25 1KV max. Can opened and re-used any time. Connection Box IP67 6-13 25,0 4,5 6,0 LI229262 0,18 IP67 CONNECTION BOX IP68 Cable Length Description Item no.Description Item no. ta -30°/+80° max.Description Item no.739ACCESSORIES CONNECTION BOX IP67 Cable Length Width Height Description Item no