SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 739 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
Description Item no. Completely proof against water intake IP68. Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM1 5-14 7,2 16,0Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM1 5-14 7,2 16,0 LI229269 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. IP68 CONNECTION BOX FDM2, 4-pole Cable Length Description Item no. 0,11 IP68 6-11 17,5A max.Description Item no. Connection Box IP68 6-11 11,0 6,4 3,0 LI228726 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. IP68 CONNECTION BOX, 3-pole Cable Length Description Item no. 0,21 IP68 5-14 1KV max. Can applied for open air, funnel and soil installations. Completely proof against water intake IP68. Can applied for open air, funnel and soil installations. Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM2 7-25 10,0 28,5Connection and branch joint IP68 FDM2 7-25 10,0 28,5 LI229268 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. Can opened and re-used any time. 0,36 IP68 6-13 400V max. Connection Box IP67 6-13 25,0 4,5 6,0 LI229262 0,18 IP67 CONNECTION BOX IP68 Cable Length Description Item no. 2,5 mm2 8–17 6–13 6–12 . Can opened and re-used any time.Description Item no. Humic acids- and corrosion-resistant. IP68 CONNECTION BOX FDM1, 4-pole Cable Length Description Item no. Humic acids- and corrosion-resistant. 0,42 IP68 7-25 1KV max. Connection Box IP68 6-13 4,1 10,0Connection Box IP68 6-13 4,1 10,0 LI228724 Connector for cables and connection lines with protection class IP68. Connection Box IP68, 3-pole 6-12 2,7 11,5 LI228730 Connection Box IP68, 5-pole 8-17 3,2 13,0 LI228725 0,2 IP68 IP68 CONNECTION BOX Cable Length Width HeightCable Length Width Height Description Item no. ta -30°/+80° max. 500V max.739ACCESSORIES CONNECTION BOX IP67 Cable Length Width Height Description Item no