SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 737 z 774

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Please pay attention the manufacturers’ notes. Mini Transformer 230V/12V 10-60VA tc: 75°C/ta: 50°C 0,98tc: 75°C/ta: 50°C 0,98 8,5 4,2 2,2 LI461062 Reversible temperature rise switch. 1,5 mm2 ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMER 01 60VA Voltage Length Width HeightVoltage Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Specification Item no. They are open-circuit- and short-circuit-proof well overload-protected.Consumption Specification Item no. 1,5 mm2 ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMER 04 210VA Voltage Length Width HeightVoltage Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Specification Item no. Secondary connection: pair screw terminals.Consumption Specification factor Item no.Consumption Specification Item no. The electronic transformers our range are operated with standard trailing-edge phase dimmers. Electronic transformer 230V/12VElectronic transformer 230V/12V 50-150VA tc: 85°C/ta: 50°C 16,6 3,9 3,3 LI461157 Reversible temperature rise switch. Mini Transformer 230V/12V 10-60VA tc: 75°C/ta: 50°C 0,98 10,5 3,3 2,2 LI461060 Reversible temperature rise switch. Secondary connection: pair screw terminals. Electronic transformer 230V/12V 10-60VA tc: 70°C/ta: 50°C 15,1 3,6 2,7 LI461067 Reversible temperature rise switch. Electronic transformer 230V/12VElectronic transformer 230V/12V 20-105VA tc: 80°C/ta: 50°C 16,6 3,9 3,3 LI461107 Reversible temperature rise switch. 1,5 mm2 MINI TRANSFORMER 60VA Voltage Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Consumption Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Specification factor Item no. Secondary connection: pairs screw terminals.Consumption Specification factor Item no. 0,13 10-60 VAC max. 1,5 mm2 ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMER 03 150VA Voltage Length Width HeightVoltage Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Specification Item no. For electronic transformers connection line length must strictly not exceeded because stray radiation. Electronic transformer 230V/12VElectronic transformer 230V/12V 50-210VA tc: 75°C/ta: 50°C 20,0 4,3 3,9 LI461217 Reversible temperature rise switch. 0,07 10-60 VAC max. Secondary connection: pairs screw terminals. 1,5 mm2 ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMER 02 105VA Voltage Length Width HeightVoltage Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Specification Item no. 0,3 50-210 VAC max.▼ 737ACCESSORIES The electronic transformers displayed here are safety transformers compact design. MINI TRANSFORMER 60VA Voltage Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Consumption Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Specification factor Item no.Consumption Specification Item no. 0,18 20-105 VAC max. 0,28 50-150 VAC max.Consumption Specification Item no. Not suitable for wire systems. 0,07 10-60 VAC max. Secondary connection: pairs screw terminals. Secondary connection: pair screw terminals. 1,5 mm2 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~