SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 731 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
Short-circuit-proof. LED driver 10W dimmable 700 3-10W LED ta: 50°C/tc: 80°C 0,95LED driver 10W dimmable 700 3-10W LED ta: 50°C/tc: 80°C 0,95 12,0 4,5 2,0 LI464001 Dimming range: 25%–100% 0,08C LED DRIVER 18W, 700mA Constant current Number Consumption Length Width HeightConstant current Number Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no.Description Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no.731ACCESSORIES LED DRIVER 12W, 700mA Constant current Number Consumption Length Width HeightConstant current Number Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no.Description secondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no.Description secondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. LED driver 12W 350 6-12W 5-9 LED ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,95LED driver 12W 350 6-12W 5-9 LED ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,95 16,7 3,9 3,0 LI464110 With strain-relief.Description secondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. 0,19700 mA 230~ 700 mA 230~ 700 mA 230~ LED DRIVER 12W, 350mA Constant current Number Consumption Length Width HeightConstant current Number Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary mAsecondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. LED driver 18W 700 10-18W 4-6 LED 3W10-18W 4-6 LED ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95 15,3 6,7 3,5 LI464201 With strain-relief. With socket for mini plug [LI111850/-60]. 0,18700 mA 230~ LED DRIVER 15W, 700mA/1000mA/1200mA Constant current Number Consumption Length Width HeightConstant current Number Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary mAsecondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. With strain-relief. With socket for mini plug [LI111850/-60]. Output current can set 700mA/1000mA/1200mA via jumper. LED driver 12W 700 6-12W 2-4 LED ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,95LED driver 12W 700 6-12W 2-4 LED ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,95 16,7 3,9 3,0 LI464202 With strain-relief.Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. 0,12 LED DRIVER 10W, 700mA, dimmable Constant current Number Consumption Length Width HeightConstant current Number Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. LED driver 15W 700/1000/1200LED driver 15W 700/1000/1200 5-15W LED 15W5-15W LED 15W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,95 16,7 3,9 3,0 LI464210 Independent converter. With socket for mini plug [LI111850/-60]. With socket for mini plug [LI111850/-60]. 0,15 350 mA 230~ 350 mA 230~ LED DRIVER 40W, 700mA Number Consumption Length Width HeightNumber Consumption Length Width Height Description Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. LED driver 18W 350 10-18W 9-15 LED ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95LED driver 18W 350 10-18W 9-15 LED ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95 15,3 6,7 3,5 LI464111 With strain-relief. Fits into transformer box IP67 [LI229261].Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no.Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no. LED driver 40W 40W LED ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,9LED driver 40W 40W LED ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,9 16,7 4,6 LI464163LI464163 Independent converter. 0,11700/1000/1200 mA 230~ . 0,11 LED DRIVER 18W, 350mA Constant current Number Consumption Length Width HeightConstant current Number Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary mAsecondary Consumption LEDs Specification factor Item no