SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

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Poznámky redaktora
consumption Specification factor Item no. LED Power SupplyLED Power Supply Unit 12W 12V12V 0-12W0-12W ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,4ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,4 8,5 4,08,5 4,0 2,2 LI470507 24V 2,324V 2,3 LI470502 0,06 12= 230~ 24= 230~ 12= 230~ 12= 230~ LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 100W, 24V= dimmable 0,51 Voltage Voltage Output consump. Control voltage: 1–10V. Length Width HeightVoltage Voltage Output consump.Specification factor Item no. Output: 1,66A max.per channel Specification Item no.consumption Specification factor Item no.consumption Specification factor Item no.729ACCESSORIES LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 20W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no. LED Power Supply Unit 60W dimmable 12V12V 20W3x 20W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 19,0 13,0 3,5ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 19,0 13,0 3,5 LI470539LI470539 Dimmable with EP1 Dimmer [470505] LIM® 2 Controller [LI470531]. LED Power Supply Unit 20W 12V 0-20W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,95 16,7 3,9 3,016,7 3,9 3,0 LI470541 24V LI470542 0,13 LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 36W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no.consumption Specification factor Item no. Dimming range: 0%–100%. 1-10 24= 230~ LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 60W, 12V= dimmable Voltage Output consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary per channel Specification Item no. Control voltage: 1–10V. LED Power Supply Unit 100W dimmable 230V 24V 33W230V 24V 33W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°Cta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 19,0 13,0 3,519,0 13,0 3,5 LI470540LI470540 Dimmable with EP1 Dimmer [470505] LIM®2 Controller [LI470531]. LED Power Supply Unit 60W 12V 0-60W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95 λλ 18,2 8,8 3,53,5 LI470508 24V 17,5 7,8 LI470506 24= 230~ 24= 230~ 24= 230~ 0,62 12= 230~ 0,3 24= 230~ LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 12W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height DescriptionDescription secondary consumptionsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no. Length Width Height Description primary secondary DCsecondary per channel Specification Item no. Dimming range: 0%–100%. LED Power Supply Unit 100W 24VLED Power Supply Unit 100W 24V 0-100W0-100W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95 18,2 8,8 3,5 LI470500 0,62 LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 60W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no. LED Power Supply Unit 36W 12V 0-36W ta: 50°C/tc: 80°Cta: 50°C/tc: 80°C 0,9 12,9 7,5 3,212,9 7,5 3,2 LI470543 24V ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C24V ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C LI470544 0,35 LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 100W, 24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no. Output: 1,4A max. 0,51 12= 230~ 1-10