SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 729 z 774

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LED Power Supply Unit 20W 12V 0-20W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,95 16,7 3,9 3,016,7 3,9 3,0 LI470541 24V LI470542 0,13 LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 36W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no. Dimming range: 0%–100%. LED Power Supply Unit 36W 12V 0-36W ta: 50°C/tc: 80°Cta: 50°C/tc: 80°C 0,9 12,9 7,5 3,212,9 7,5 3,2 LI470543 24V ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C24V ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C LI470544 0,35 LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 100W, 24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no.consumption Specification factor Item no. Control voltage: 1–10V. LED Power Supply Unit 100W 24VLED Power Supply Unit 100W 24V 0-100W0-100W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95 18,2 8,8 3,5 LI470500 0,62 LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 60W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no.729ACCESSORIES LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 20W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no. 0,51 12= 230~ 1-10 . LED Power Supply Unit 100W dimmable 230V 24V 33W230V 24V 33W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°Cta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 19,0 13,0 3,519,0 13,0 3,5 LI470540LI470540 Dimmable with EP1 Dimmer [470505] LIM®2 Controller [LI470531]. Length Width Height Description primary secondary DCsecondary per channel Specification Item no. Length Width HeightVoltage Voltage Output consump. Output: 1,66A max. LED Power Supply Unit 60W 12V 0-60W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95 λλ 18,2 8,8 3,53,5 LI470508 24V 17,5 7,8 LI470506 24= 230~ 24= 230~ 24= 230~ 0,62 12= 230~ 0,3 24= 230~ LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 12W, 12V=/24V= Voltage Output Consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output Consumption Length Width Height DescriptionDescription secondary consumptionsecondary consumption Specification factor Item no. Control voltage: 1–10V.per channel Specification Item no.consumption Specification factor Item no.consumption Specification factor Item no. LED Power SupplyLED Power Supply Unit 12W 12V12V 0-12W0-12W ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,4ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,4 8,5 4,08,5 4,0 2,2 LI470507 24V 2,324V 2,3 LI470502 0,06 12= 230~ 24= 230~ 12= 230~ 12= 230~ LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 100W, 24V= dimmable 0,51 Voltage Voltage Output consump. Dimming range: 0%–100%.Specification factor Item no. Output: 1,4A max.consumption Specification factor Item no. LED Power Supply Unit 60W dimmable 12V12V 20W3x 20W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 19,0 13,0 3,5ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 19,0 13,0 3,5 LI470539LI470539 Dimmable with EP1 Dimmer [470505] LIM® 2 Controller [LI470531]. 1-10 24= 230~ LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 60W, 12V= dimmable Voltage Output consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary per channel Specification Item no