SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

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Poznámky redaktora
EP1 Dimmer 1-10V 10W max. 0,1 12= oder 24= EP1 DIMMER 1-10V Length Width HeightLength Width Height1 HeightHeight2 Axis WeightAxis Weight Description ConsumptionConsumption cmin cmin Item no. Control voltage: 1–10V.725ACCESSORIES PWM CONVERTER 1-CHANNEL 12V=/24V= Voltage Voltage Output Length Width HeightVoltage Voltage Output Length Width Height Description primary DCprimary secondary DCsecondary consumptionconsumption Specification Item no. PWM CONVERTER 3-CHANNEL 12V=/24V= Voltage Voltage Output Length Width HeightVoltage Voltage Output Length Width Height Description primary DCprimary secondary consumptionconsumption Specification Item no.12V 12V 50W max. Output: 1,66A max.per channel Specification Item no. PWM Converter 3-ChannelPWM Converter 3-Channel 12V 12V 16,6W12V 12V 16,6W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°Cta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 17,0 4,0 3,0 LI470509 24V 24V 33,3W24V 24V 33,3W For controlling 12V and 24V DC, among others for RGB DCsec. For dimming 12V and 24V single-colour strip applications. ta: 50°C/tc: 70°Cta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 17,0 4,0 3,0 LI470550 24V 24V 100W max. Output: 1,4A max. Control voltage: 1– per channelper channel Specification Item no.Specification Item no. Independent converter. Output: 1,4A max. Optionally controllable via remote control [LI470530]. LIM® 2 Controller 230V 1-10V2 Controller 230V 1-10V 11,7 3,7 9,7 alu natural9,7 alu natural LI470531 Accessories/Included: In-wall housing [incl. Remote Control 1,5V Battery [excl. Dimming range: 0%–100%. Independent converter. LED Power Supply Unit 60W dimmable 12VLED Power Supply Unit 60W dimmable 12V 20W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 19,0 13,0 3,5ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 19,0 13,0 3,5 LI470539 Dimmable with EP1 dimmer [LI470505] LIM® 2 Controller [LI470531]. 2,3 3,9 2,0 3,6 0,6 0,04EP1 Dimmer 1-10V 10W max. REMOTE CONTROL for LIM® 2 Control Length Width HeightLength Width Height Description Accessories/IncludedAccessories/Included cmin Item no. 2x AA 1,5V 230~ 0,25 0,09 LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 100W, 24V= dimmable 0,51 Voltage Voltage Output consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Voltage Output consumption Length Width Height Description prim. Output: 4,1A 0,1 12= oder 24= LIM® 2 CONTROLLER Voltage Control Width Height DepthVoltage Control Width Height Depth Description voltage Colour Item no.]. LED Power Supply Unit 100W dimmable 230V 24V 33WLED Power Supply Unit 100W dimmable 230V 24V 33W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 19,0 13,0 3,5 LI470540 Dimmable with EP1 dimmer [LI470505] LIM®2 Controller [LI470531]. sec. PWM Converter 1-ChannelPWM Converter 1-Channel 12V 12V 50W max.Specification Item no. With LCD display. In-wall installation possible.Specification Item no.24V 24V 100W max. Control voltage: 1–10V. 0,51 12= 230~ 1-10 .voltage Colour Item no. Control voltage: 1–10V.], receiver housing front [incl. Dimming range: 0%–100%. 2,3 3,9 2,0 3,6 0,6 0,04 LI470505 For connecting with controls 1–10V control voltage.] 17,8 4,3 2,0 LI470530 Infrared remote control for controlling the LIM® 2 Controller [LI470531]. 1-10 24= 230~ LED POWER SUPPLY UNIT 60W, 12V= dimmable Voltage Output consumption Length Width HeightVoltage Output consumption Length Width Height Description secondary DCsecondary per channel Specification Item no. Short-circuit-proof.] 17,8 4,3 2,0Remote Control 1,5V Battery [excl